Please note that additional services may be available to you. To find out about other services please call United Way 211 by dialing 211 on your home, office or cell phone. United Way 211 is available 24 hours a day, and is free, confidential and available in any language. The complete listing of resources can be viewed on our website at www.nc211.org; Printed June 2013.
United Way of Rockingham County Guide to Services 6-17-13
4-H of Rockingham County
525 NC 65
Suite 200
(336) 342-8230 Main
(336) 342-8242 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: morgan_maness@ncsu.edu
Web Site: www.ces.ncsu.edu/rockingham
Description/Notes: 4-H is for all young people, boys and girls 5-18 years old, regardless of where you live, what your background or what interests you. 4-H is for all who enjoy “learning by doing”. There is no membership cost to join 4-H and no uniforms to wear. Through 4-H you can gain valuable life skills such as: responsibility, leadership, self-esteem, critical thinking, communication skills, and good citizenship. Of course the most important thing you do in 4-H is have FUN!!! To get the most out of 4-H, you can join a community club. Clubs meet once a month during the year. In community clubs you do a variety of activities, depending on your interests. There are hundreds of activities to become involved in, such as photography, livestock (horses), public speaking, arts and crafts, rockets, horticulture, electric, and much more.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: 4-H is free to join. Costs are minimal, depending upon activity. United Way scholarships are frequently available to enrolled 4-H members.
Intake/Application Process: Contact Morgan Maness for specific information.
Eligibility: Any youth 5-19 years old living in Rockingham County. Adults are eligible to participate as volunteers in carrying out program activities.
Languages: English
Youth Agricultural Programs
Youth Development
911 Emergency Services – Rockingham County
150 NC 65
(800) 222-1222 Carolina’s Poison Center
(336) 634-3311 Fax
(336) 634-3300 Main
ext. 911 Emergency
ext. 911 Emergency
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: shall@rockingham911.org
Web Site: http://rockingham911.org
Description/Notes: Receives and dispatches all emergency and non-emergency calls to EMS, 3 rescue squads, city and county fire departments, Madison police and Rockingham Sheriff’s Department, and many other on-duty and after hour agencies.
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call.
Eligibility: No eligibility requirements.
Languages: All
Air Ambulance Services
Ambulance Services
Emergency Alert
Emergency Medical Transportation
Emergency Rescue
Municipal Police
Paramedic/EMT Services
Traffic Accident Rescue
Aging, Disability and Transit Services (ADTS) of Rockingham County
105 Lawsonville Avenue
(336) 342-6714 Fax
(336) 349-2343 Main
(336) 342-9999 Senior Line
Reidsville, NC 27323
Email: lcovington@adtsrc.org
Web Site: www.adtsrc.org
Description/Notes: Assists and links senior adults, people with disabilities and their families with information, opportunities and services that promise and enhance the quality of life; strives to meet the local transportation needs of Rockingham County citizens. Programs and services include: Friendship Adult Day Care Center In-Home Services Nutrition Services RCATS – Public Transit
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents who are in need of these services.
Friendship Adult Day Care Center, ADTS of Rockingham County
(336) 573-1300 Main
Email: pdillard@adtsrc.org
Description/Notes: The Friendship Adult Day Center provides a safe, caring environment for adults who need daily supervision, socialization, and assistance with the activities of daily life. A calendar outlines the center’s plans for the month. The Friendship Center is for older adults or adults with disabilities who need specialized care but want to continue living in their own homes or community setting for as long as possible. Structured activities, nutritious meals, and social programs are provided. The daily staff includes a center director, a program director and activity coordinators.
Web Site: www.adtsrc.org/friendship.html
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Program Fees: The cost is $35.00 a day. Financial assistance may be available for individuals with limited resources. Persons using these funds are given the opportunity to share in the cost of service by giving what they can afford.
Eligibility: The Friendship Center is especially for people who would benefit from a safe environment and enjoy, singing, dancing, talking, exercising, working with crafts, laughing, volunteering or just people watching. The Friendship Center is designed for people who can generally care for their own needs and are able to walk unassisted. A pre-admission assessment is conducted by staff during a visit to the center.
Adult Day Programs
In-Home Services, ADTS of Rockingham County
5118 NC Hwy 770
(336) 573-1300 Main
Stoneville, NC 27048
Email: pdillard@adtsrc.org
Description/Notes: In-Home services include Private Pay, Home Service Block Grant, and Medicaid Services. Private Pay Services: For people who need assistance in their home, but are not eligible under other programs, private pay services are offered at a very competitive hourly rate. You will get the services you need with the security of knowing you have a trained and certified nursing assistant who has been through a thorough background screening process. Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCBG): Provides in-home aides to assist with the personal care needs of frail or disabled people age 60 years or older who wish to continue living as independently as possible or have caregivers in need of respite from providing heavy care. Personal care tasks include assistance with: Bathing Dressing Walking Transfers Meals HCBG services have no financial eligibility requirement; however, service recipients may make donations to offset some of the cost of their care. Medicaid Services / CAP/DA: Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP/DA) is a Medicaid program designed to give disabled adults (age 18 and over) who are at risk of unwanted nursing facility placement the option of remaining safely at home with a package of services to complement their current family support. CAP/DA provides in-home aides to assist clients with personal care tasks, such as: Bathing Dressing Walking Toileting Incontinence care Meals In addition to personal care assistance, in-home aides may also perform light housekeeping tasks and help with shopping and errands. Please note that additional services may be available to you. To find out about other services please call United Way 211 by dialing 211 on your home, office or cell phone. United Way 211 is available 24 hours a day, and is free, confidential and available in any language. The complete listing of resources can be viewed on our website at www.nc211.org; Printed June 2013. 3
Web Site: www.adtsrc.org/friendship.html
Hours: Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: The cost is $35.00 a day. Financial assistance may be available for individuals with limited resources. Persons using these funds are given the opportunity to share in the cost of service by giving what they can afford.
Eligibility: The Friendship Center is especially for people who would benefit from a safe environment and enjoy, singing, dancing, talking, exercising, working with crafts, laughing, volunteering or just people watching. The Friendship Center is designed for people who can generally care for their own needs and are able to walk unassisted. A pre-admission assessment is conducted by staff during a visit to the center.
Case/Care Management
Home Health Aide Services
Homemaker Assistance
Personal Care
Meals on Wheels, ADTS of Rockingham County
Same as Agency address
(336) 349-2343 Main
Email: aboyte@adtsrc.org
Description/Notes: Meals on Wheels is for the homebound elderly. There are 6 routes for those living w/in the city limits of Reidsville, Eden , Madison-Mayodan and Stoneville. There is also a frozen meal program for those living outside the city limits, in the more rural areas of Rockingham County. Meals are delivered Monday – Friday by volunteers and twice a month for the frozen meal program. To be eligible a person must be: 60 years of age or older, homebound (except of medical visits), experiencing difficulty with meal preparation, a Rockingham County resident and must have no one willing or able to prepare the noonday meal. Voluntary donations for this program increase availability of meals. Meals on a private pay basis are also available, with no waiting list. Cost is $4.50 per meal.
Web Site: www.adtsrc.org
Hours: Meals are delivered Monday – Friday by volunteers and twice a month for the frozen meal program
Program Fees: No cost, but voluntary donations for this program increase availability of meals. Meals on a private pay basis are also available, with no waiting list. Cost is $4.50 per meal.
Intake/Application Process: Call to have your name placed on the delivery list.
Eligibility: To be eligible a person must be: 60 years of age or older, homebound (except of medical visits), experiencing difficulty with meal preparation, a Rockingham County resident and must have no one willing or able to prepare the noonday meal.
Home Delivered Meals
Meal Delivery Volunteer Opportunities
Meals with Friends, ADTS of Rockingham County
(336) 427-5206 Huntsville Nutrition Center
(336) 349-4923 ext. 106 Reidsville (Salvation Army) Nutrition Site
(336) 445-9840 Madison – Mayodan Nutrition Center
(336) 623-5343 Leaksville Nutrition Center
Description/Notes: Meals With Friends (Congregate Nutrition) is the sister program to Meals on Wheels and is open to anyone 60 years of age or older. There are 4 sites throughout Rockingham County offering a hot nutritious meal and a wide variety of activities. The sites are open 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday.
Web Site: www.adtsrc.org
Hours: Sites are open 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Monday – Thursday.
Program Fees: No cost, but voluntary donations for this program increase availability of meals.
Intake/Application Process: Call to register.
Eligibility: To be eligible a person must be 60 years of age or older.
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Rockingham Community Access Transit Services (RCATS), ADTS of Rockingham County
105 Lawsonville Avenue
(336) 347-2287 Call 34R-CATS to schedule your trip
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: modell@adtsrc.org
Description/Notes: RCATS provides safe and reliable transportation services to contracted agencies and the general public. RCATS provides transportation to Rockingham County citizens only and travels only in Rockingham County. RCATS provides wheelchair accessible lift van service as well as standard conversion van service for ambulatory passengers. Typical destinations are medical facilities, rehabilitation and treatment centers, educational facilities other than K-12 schools, employment, grocery shopping, etc.
Web Site: http://www.adtsrc.org/rcats.html
Hours: Transportation services are provided Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and on Saturdays for Dialysis passengers only.
Program Fees: Some forms of Medicaid provide for transportation to medical appointments only and the passenger is not required to pay a fare. An eligibility screening is done upon the initial contact with transportation system and the passenger and/or family will know whether the fare applies or not. Fares range from $2.00 to $3.00 each way depending upon location and destination. Tickets may be purchased in advance of transportation for passengers having repeating trips such as employment or education. Fares will apply to non-covered reservations such as shopping, picking up prescriptions/glasses, education, visits to Social Services, etc. for Medicaid recipients
Intake/Application Process: An eligibility screening is done upon the initial contact with transportation system and the passenger and/or family will know whether the fare applies or not. Call 336-34R-CATS (336-347-2287) to schedule a ride or obtain more information.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents.
Disability Related Transportation
General Paratransit/Community Ride Programs
Medical Appointments Transportation
Senior Ride Programs
Alternative Learning Program – Rockingham County
(336) 361-0941 Main
Description/Notes: A non traditional educational program offering academic instruction, counseling, family involvement, behavior modification and community projects. Helps the students become more responsible adults by helping students set goals and create strategies for reaching them and developing social and academic skills needed for success in ALPS, in their home schools and in society.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Students are referred from the County School System and Juvenile Court.
Eligibility: Students who are in or at risk for long term suspension.
Behavior Modification
Educational Programs
Family Counseling
American Red Cross Rockingham County Chapter
3692 NC Hwy 14
(336) 349-3434 24 Hours
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: Rans.Triplett@redcross.org
Web Site: www.recrossnet.org
Description/Notes: Assistance to Military personnel and their families in time of emergency. Disaster Services for large as well as single family fires. Health and Safety classes offered around the county and bloodmobiles set up around the county to donate blood. Food Pantry, Educational information on HIV/AIDS, one night lodging for homeless people and assistance to find a place to stay. The American Red Cross Rockingham County Chapter is an organization run by volunteers in all areas, and is always in need of volunteers.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (machine gives after hours number to call
Program Fees: Fees for training in CPR, First Aid, and Safety Courses.
Intake/Application Process: Contact the office.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents or military personnel.
Languages: English/Spanish (when needed)
CPR Instruction
First Aid Instruction
Annie Penn Hospital
618 S Main Street
(336) 941-4000 Main – 24 Hours a Day
Reidsville, NC 27320
Web Site: www.mosescone.com
Description/Notes: Acute medical/surgical hospital with intensive care unit, day surgery center, cardiology clinic, nursing care facility, cancer, birthing and sleep centers, 24 hour emergency department, comprehensive and diagnostic radiology and laboratory services, cardiac rehabilitation, occupational health programs, community education programs, cancer support groups, hospital chaplain, physical, speech and occupational therapies.
Hours: Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Program Fees: Based on service.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Alzheimer’s Support Group, Annie Penn Hospital
618 S Main St
(336) 634-4866 Ext. 523 Brenda Wood
(336) 634-1010 Main Number
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: marykelly.glidewell@mosescone.com
Description/Notes: Support Group meets in Annie Penn Hospitals Dining Room C. Please contact Brenda Wooding.
Web Site: www.mosescone.com
Hours: Second Thursday of the month, 7:00pm
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Counseling Settings
Childbirth Classes, Annie Penn Hospital
Same as Agency address
(336) 634-1010 Main
(336) 634-4824 Contact
Email: marykelly.glidewell@mosescone.com
Description/Notes: Classes meet from 7 to 9 on Tuesdays in the Womankind center on the hospitals fourth floor. Parents learn the skills needed for a more informed and rewarding labor and childbirth. Also included is parenting information on topics such as first aid, infant safety, infant care and feeding.
Web Site: www.mosescone.com
Hours: Tu, 7pm-9pm
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Please call 634-4824. Appointments required.
Eligibility: New or soon to be parents.
Child Care Instruction
Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment
Parent/Child Instruction
Pregnancy Counseling
Look Good, Feel Better, Annie Penn Hospital
Same as Agency address
(336) 634-1010 Main
(800) 282-4914 Register
Email: marykelly.glidewell@mosescone.com
Description/Notes: Female cancer patients are invited to a free beauty makeover taught by a volunteer cosmetologist. Each patient receives a FREE makeup kit worth $200. Classes are offered the first Monday of each month. To register, please call 1-800-282-4914.
Hours: First Monday of every month.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call 1-800-282-4914 to register.
Eligibility: Female cancer patients.
Prosthetic Devices
Mended Hearts, Annie Penn Hospital
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-3848 Bob Mullings
(336) 634-1010 Main
Email: marykelly.glidewell@mosescone.com
Description/Notes: The Mended Hearts Support Group sponsored by Annie Penn Hospital, will meet the first Thursday of the on the at First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall at 7pm. Anyone interested in finding out more about Mended Hearts is welcome to attend the meeting. Members are people who have heart disease or who are caregivers to those with heart disease. Please call 336-342-3848.
Web Site: www.mosescone.com
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Counseling Settings
Sibling Class, Annie Penn Hospital
Same as Agency address
(336) 634-4824 Birthing Center
(336) 634-1010 Main
Email: marykelly.glidewell@mosescone.com
Description/Notes: Class is offered one Saturday a month from 10 to 11am in the hospitals Birthing Center on the fourth floor. The class for big brother or sister includes a tour and age appropriate information about the birth experience. Call 634-4824 for date and registration.
Web Site: www.mosescone.com
Hours: One Saturday a month, 10am-11am.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Early Childhood Education
Yoga Classes, Annie Penn Hospital
Same as Agency address
(336) 634-1010 Main
(336) 623-9138 Terri Lea
Email: marykelly.glidewell@mosescone.com
Description/Notes: Classes will be offered each Monday from 6pm to 7:15pm at Annie Penn Hospitals Womankind Center (fourth floor.) To register, please call Terri Lea at 623-9138.
Web Site: www.mosescone.com
Hours: M, 6pm-7:15pm
Program Fees: $75 for the session or $12 per class.
Languages: Call to register.
Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Center
804 Cedar Lane
(336) 349-9445 Main
(336) 634-0110 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: jeff_north@ncsu.edu
Description/Notes: Provides educational programming as an extension of NC State University that supports youth and community development. School Enrichment Education and Environmental Education and Life Skills Education (March-May and September – November); Teacher Training; Summer Camps; Problem Solving, self esteem, and decision making workshops. The center is available for rent with various size classrooms and a dining hall.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Program Fees: Dependent on services and programs provided.
Intake/Application Process: Call for program date availability, fill out registration form and send in deposit for program.
Eligibility: 4-H programs receive first priority; Others booked up to one year in advance.
Languages: English
Educational Programs
Swimming/Swimming Lessons
Blinded Veterans Association
321 Harry Akers Street
(336) 623-8629 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: Meetings are held on a quarterly basis; call for specific times. Advocacy and support group. State organization that promotes state laws but does not offer many state veterans benefits. American Council For The Blind 1-800-424-8666. American Foundation for the Blind 1-800-232-5463.
Hours: Call between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. for information and specific meeting times.
Intake/Application Process: Call or write.
Eligibility: Legally blind or severely vision impaired veterans.
Languages: English
Health Related Advocacy Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Information and Referral
Medical Information Lines
Boys & Girls Club of Eden
1026 Harris Street
P.O. Box 4628
(336) 627-0347 Fax
(336) 627-7960 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Email: bgceden@triad.rr.com
Web Site: www.bgeden.com
Description/Notes: Provides youth development programs, athletics, homework assistance, computer labs, and guidance to boys and girls.
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 2:15 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Friday, 2:15 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays Open Teacher workdays, 7:15 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Program Fees: $40.00 per child per year.
Intake/Application Process: Application available at club office.
Eligibility: Children ages 6-18 who are in school.
Boys/Girls Clubs
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Camp Carefree
275 Carefree Lane
(336) 427-0966 Main
Stokesdale, NC 27357
Email: carefreedirectors@gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.campcarefree.org
Description/Notes: Provides a week of residential camping for children ages 6-16 who have cancer, spina-bifida, epilepsy, hemophilia, Turner syndrome, JRA, Sickle Cell Anemia, muscular dystrophy, or for children with a seriously ill or disabled sibling or parent.
Program Fees: Camp is free. The campground is available for rent from September through May.
Intake/Application Process: Call Camp Carefree at 336-427-0966
Eligibility: Children ages 6-16 who have cancer, spina-bifida, epilepsy, hemophilia, Turner syndrome, JRA, Sickle Cell Anemia, muscular dystrophy, or for children with a seriously ill or disabled sibling or parent.
Therapeutic Camps
Caregivers of Rockingham County
241 The Boulevard
(336) 627-3902 Fax
(336) 627-3900 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Email: caregiversofrockingham@triad.twcbc.com
Web Site: http://www.caregiversofrockinghamcounty.org
Description/Notes: The mission of Caregivers of Rockingham, Inc. is to improve the quality of life of the elderly and disabled by providing compassionate help through volunteer services. Services include transportation, light housekeeping, occasional meals, minor home repair, lawn care, friendly visits/phone calls, respite care for primary caregivers, and specialized assistance (reading mail, writing letters, etc.) By providing help with these everyday tasks, many of the elderly/disabled are able to remain in their homes and out of long term care facilities. Caregivers of Rockingham County always needs volunteers. Please call the office 336-361-0971 if you are interested in helping your neighbor.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Call the office.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents who are 60 and older or permanently/temporarily disabled.
Languages: English and Spanish (limited)
Adult Respite Care
General Minor Home Repair Programs
Homemaker Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Yard Work
Carolina Apothecary – Reidsville
726 S Scales Street
(336) 342-6474 Main
(336) 342-7660 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Web Site: http://www.carolinaapothecary.com
Description/Notes: Pharmacy and home medical equipment dealer. Provides Lifeline, a service that requires a pendant to worn around the neck or on the wrist. In case of an emergency, a button on the pendant alerts Lifeline; the service calls the contact and verifies the safety of the participant.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Program Fees: Monthly Fee for Lifeline; call for specific fee.
Intake/Application Process: Call the Apothecary to apply.
Eligibility: No restictions.
Home Medical Equipment – Reidsville
Same as Agency address
(800) 633-1447 Toll free
(336) 349-5367 Fax
(336) 342-0071 Main Number
Description/Notes: Home Medical Equipment and supplies.
Hours: M-F, 9am-8pm; Sa, 9am-6pm; Su, 9am-11am
Program Fees: Call.
Intake/Application Process: Call.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Languages: English, Spanish
Cushioning/Support Devices
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Lifeline – Reidsville
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-0071 Cheryl Webb
(800) 633-1447 Toll free
(336) 349-5367 Fax
Description/Notes: Lifeline is a personal emergency response system, which is designed to help the elderly and persons with long-term health problems to continue to live independently at home. It connects to the subscriber’s home phone. A remote control push-button worn by the subscriber allows the person to push a button when emergency help is needed.
Hours: M-F, 9am-8pm; Sa, 9am-6pm; Su, 9am-11am
Program Fees: $35 a month, $25 installation fee.
Intake/Application Process: Call.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Languages: English, Spanish
Emergency Alert
Medic Alert
Ostomy Support – Reidsville
Same as Agency address
(336) 623-3030 Janet Brame
(336) 349-5367 Fax
Description/Notes: Provide supplies due to surgery required when a person has lost the normal function of the bladder or bowel due to birth defects, disease, injury or other disorders. Such operations include colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy.
Hours: M-F, 9am-8pm; Sa, 9am-6pm; Su, 9am-11am
Program Fees: Depends on service.
Intake/Application Process: Call.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Languages: English, Spanish
Ostomy Supplies
City of Eden
308 E. Stadium Drive
(336) 623-2110 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Email: bcorcoran@edennc.us
Web Site: http://www.ci.eden.nc.us
Description/Notes: The City of Eden provides city government services for the residents of Eden, NC. These services include Police, Waste Management, Animal Control, Fire Department, Parks and Recreation, and more.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Residents of Eden are eligible for its services.
City/Town Managers Offices
Communities In Schools – Rockingham County
P.O. Box 187
(336) 427-6153 427-6153
(336) 627-2600 Fax
Wentworth, NC 27375
Description/Notes: To champion the connection of needed community resources with schools to help young people successfully learn, stay in school earn diplomas, and prepare for life. Sites in four county schools coordinate volunteer effects. Persons are trained to mentor and/or tutor students with emphasis on citizenship and life skills. There are implement workshops on a variety of subjects and activities.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Students: Talk to guidance counselor. Volunteers: Contract office.
Eligibility: Students attending a participating school.
Tutoring Services
Community Service Work Program – Wentworth
(336) 342-8805 Main Number
Description/Notes: Locates and supervises Community Service after the defendant is sentenced to perform community service as an alternative to jail. Assigns defendants to placement agencies making the community service as accessible to the area in which the defendant lives as possible. Matches the defendant’s skills and abilities to the community service as much as possible.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 5:00
Program Fees: $250.00.
Intake/Application Process: Defendants are responsible for contacting Community Service Coordinator as soon as possible after sentence is imposed.
Eligibility: Person sentenced in District or Superior Court to perform community service.
Community Corrections – Reidsville
225 Turner Drive
(336) 634-5655 Main Number
(336) 634-5623 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: pjlo6@doc.state.nc.us
Description/Notes: Offenders are placed on supervised probation by courts.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Program Fees: $20 monthly supervised fee imposed by court.
Intake/Application Process: Placed on probation by the court.
Languages: English
Probate Assistance
Consumer Credit Counseling Service
525 NC 65
(336) 342-8242 Fax
(888) 755-2227 Toll Free
(336) 342-8247 Main Number
Wentworth, NC 27375
Web Site: www.thedebtdoc.com
Description/Notes: Assists clients in consolidating debts. Provides budget counseling, credit counseling, default housing counseling, and bankruptcy counseling.
Hours: Call for hours
Program Fees: Counseling is free. There may be a small fee for the debt repayment plan. there is a $50 bankruptcy counseling and certificate fee.
Intake/Application Process: Call, visit the office, or go online at www.thedebtdoc.com.
Eligibility: All Rockingham County citizens.
Languages: English; Spanish interpretor available by request
Bankruptcy Assistance
Credit Denial Assistance
Credit Rating Assistance
Debt Consolidation Services
Debt Management
Housing Counseling
Money Management
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Personal Financial Counseling
Public Awareness/Education
Cooperative Christian Ministries
Leaksville Moravian Church
712 McConnell Avenue
(336) 623-7214 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: Assist persons in need in the city of Eden. Provide monetary assistance for those experiencing a financial crisis by payment of a portion of a bill for basic heating or shelter related needs; operation of a Food Bank.
Hours: Food Pantry, Wednesday -Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Phone is Answered: Monday – Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Call and leave a message. A volunteer will respond by the end of business the following day.
Eligibility: Eden residents who meet finacial guidelines. Applicants may only receive assistance from the Food Bank once per quarter, and financial assistance once yearly.
Food Pantries
Utility Service Payment Assistance
CrimeStoppers of Rockingham County
Law Enforcement Center
170 NC 65
(336) 349-9683 Rockingham County CrimeStoppers
Reidsville, NC 27320
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamsheriff.com
Description/Notes: CrimeStoppers of Rockingham County is a community based program geared toward public involvement in the fight against crime. It offers cash rewards up to $1000 and anonymity to citizens who provide information. Most of the information received by CrimeStoppers is through telephone calls to 336-349-9683. If a caller’s information results in the arrest and indictment of an offender or the apprehension of a wanted person, contact with the caller will be made through a call-back system and arrangements made so that the person can receive his/her reward in cash and preserve their anonymity.
Hours: 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Call with information about a crime or suspect.
General Crime Reporting
Daymark Recovery Services
405 NC 65
(336) 342-8316 Main
(888) 581-9988 If In Crisis, Please Call:
(336) 342-8316 After Hours Call
(336) 342-8352 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Web Site: http://www.daymarkrecovery.org
Description/Notes: Daymark Recovery Services provides an array of outpatient and psychiatric services for the treatment of a mental illness, substance abuse problem, or developmental disability. Services are tailored to individual needs and delivered using evidence based approaches to increase effectiveness. Specific services include, but are not limited to the following: Substance Abuse Outpatient Treatment Mental Health Outpatient Treatment Psychiatric Services/Medical Services Emergency Services (Advanced Access) Mobile Crisis Management Services Targeted Case Management ACTT (Assertive Community Treatment Team)
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance, Sliding Scale, and Payment Plans
Intake/Application Process: Call for information.
Eligibility: Anyone in the service area in need of mental health/substance abuse help.
Department of Community Corrections – Rockingham County, Reidsville
(336) 634-5655 Main
Description/Notes: Receives from the courts selected individuals before and/or in place of imprisonment, in order to achieve, during a period of probation, their maximum adjustments to a free society as responsible members.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., except on holidays.
Program Fees: $40 monthly supervision fee unless waived by the court.
Eligibility: By consent of the court after conviction of a crime.
Probation Office – Rockingham County, Eden
310 W Meadow Road
(336) 623-8960 Main Number
(336) 623-5126 Main Number
Description/Notes: To receive from the courts selected individuals before and/or in place of imprisonment, in order to achieve, during a period of probation, their max,mum adjustments to a free society as responsible members.
Program Fees: $20 monthly supervision fee unless waived by the court.
Eligibility: By consent of the court after conviction of a crime.
Probation Office – Rockingham County, Wentworth
Courthouse, Highway 65
P.O. Box 7
(336) 634-5672 Main Number
Description/Notes: To receive from the courts selected individuals before and/or in place of imprisonment, in order to achieve, during a period of probation, their max,mum adjustments to a free society as responsible members.
Program Fees: $20 monthly supervision fee unless waived by the court.
Eligibility: By consent of the court after conviction of a crime.
Division of Employment Security – Rockingham County
8340 NC Highway 87
(336) 694-5975 Caswell County Location
(336) 634-5600 Main – Reidsville Office
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: esc.jobs.reidsville@ncesc.gov
Web Site: http://www.ncesc1.com
Description/Notes: The North Carolina Employment Security Commission allows residents to apply for unemployment benefits, search for jobs, register for work, and more, all on a non-fee basis. Services include job placement, counseling, testing, unemployment insurance.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Call for information.
Eligibility: Residents of Rockingham and Caswell Counties.
Caswell County Office, Division of Employment Security – Rockingham County
Piedmont Community College
Community College Drive
(336) 694-5975 Caswell County Location
(336) 634-5600 Main – Reidsville Office
Yanceyville, NC 27379
Email: esc.jobs.reidsville@ncesc.gov
Description/Notes: The North Carolina Employment Security Commission allows residents to apply for unemployment benefits, search for jobs, register for work, and more, all on a non-fee basis. Services include job placement, counseling, testing, unemployment insurance.
Web Site: http://www.ncesc1.com
Hours: Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Call for information.
Eligibility: Residents of Rockingham and Caswell Counties.
Job Search Resource Centers
Job Search/Placement
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Eden Chamber Of Commerce
678 S. Van Buren Road
(336) 623-3336 Main
(336) 623-8800 Fax
Eden, NC 27288
Email: president@edenchamber.com
Web Site: www.edenchamber.com
Description/Notes: Promotes supports, enhances, and protects the interests of members, the quality of life of its citizens, and the solicitation of development of continued growth; public information marketing, networking, information and referral.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Varies by number of employees and /or category of membership.
Intake/Application Process: Contact the office or go online to www.edenchamber.com.
Eligibility: Any business, individual or retired person.
Chambers of Commerce
Information and Referral
Public Awareness/Education
Eden Lions Club (Daytime)
P.O. Box 123
(336) 932-0416 Main
Reidsville, NC 27323
Email: rjohnson117@triad.rr.com
Web Site: http://e-clubhouse.org/sites/edennc/index.php
Description/Notes: Provides eye exams, glasses, leader dogs, and white canes for visually impaired persons as well as hearing aids for hearing impaired persons. Also maintains a one week summer camp at Camp Dogwood for adults and children and an annual Fishing Tournament at Nags Head; sponsors a cabin at Camp Waccamaw Boys and Girls Home. The Eden Lions Club (Daytime) meets at Santana’s Restaurant at 12:00 noon on the first and third Thursdays of each month. All are welcome.
Hours: First and third Thursdays, 12:00 noon.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Contact for information; referrals accepted form county schools and other agencies.
Eligibility: Must be local resident and meet impairment guidelines.
Glasses/Contact Lenses
Hearing Aids
Eden Parks And Recreation Department
308 E Stadium Drive
(336) 632-2110 Main
(336) 632-5559 Bridge Street Community Center
(336) 635-2268 Mill Avenue Recreation Center
Eden, NC 27288
Email: jfarmer@edennc.us
Web Site: www.ci.eden.nc.us/recreation.htm
Description/Notes: To provide a program of leisure time activities for city residents. Clubs, senior citizen activities, nutrition programs, space for club meetings, recreation center, education classes, parks and playgrounds.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary by program.
Intake/Application Process: Contact the Parks and Recreation office to register for a program or event.
Eligibility: Eden residents.
Bridge Street Community Center, Eden Parks and Recreation Department
319 Bridge Street
(336) 623-5343 Community Center
(336) 632-5559 Bridge Street Center (Gym)
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: Bridge Street Neighborhood Park contains four (4) lighted tennis courts, youth soccer field, tot lot, horseshoe courts, basketball courts, picnic shelter, workout center, walking/jogging track and shuffleboard court. A hot meal is served at this site Monday – Thursday for seniors age 55+. The site is open from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Web Site: www.ci.eden.nc.us/recreation.htm
Hours: Monday – Friday, 1:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. June – August, Center closed on Saturdays a hot meal is served Monday – Thursday (site is open from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary by program.
Intake/Application Process: Contact the Parks and Recreation office to register for a program or event.
Eligibility: Eden residents.
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Recreational Activities/Sports Volunteer Opportunities
Recreational Facilities
Team Sports/Leagues
Garden of Eden Senior Center, Eden Parks and Recreation Department
508 Orchard Drive
(336) 627-4711 Garden of Eden Senior Center
Eden, NC 27288
Email: chuffman@edennc.us
Description/Notes: The Senior Center sponsors a variety of programs and services, including games and crafts, Legal Aid, excercise classes, and a congregate meal.
Web Site: www.ci.eden.nc.us/recreation.htm
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Hours vary for different activities; contact for specifics.
Program Fees: None for services; some activities may have a small fee.
Eligibility: Eden residents, age 60 and above.
Senior Centers
Mill Avenue Recreation Center, Eden Parks and Recreation Department
1722 Mill Avenue
(336) 635-2219 Mill Avenue Recreation Center
Eden, NC 27288
Email: jmoore@edennc.us
Description/Notes: The Mill Avenue Recreation Center has a lighted softball field, picnic shelter, playground, two-lighted tennis courts and a swimming pool.
Web Site: www.ci.eden.nc.us/recreation.htm
Hours: Monday – Friday, 1:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. June – August, Center closed on Saturday
Program Fees: Fees vary by program.
Intake/Application Process: Contact the Parks and Recreation office to register for a program or event.
Eligibility: Eden residents.
Recreational Activities/Sports Volunteer Opportunities
Recreational Facilities
Team Sports/Leagues
Farm Service Agency – Rockingham County
525 NC 65
Suite 120
(336) 342-0460 ext. 2 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Description/Notes: To administer Federal farm programs in Rockingham County. Tobacco, Feed Grain, and Wheat Programs; Commodity Loan Programs; Conservation and Emergency Programs.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit office.
Eligibility: Rockingham County farm owners, operators and producers.
Food Production Economics
Food Production Support Services
Fire Marshal – Rockingham County Emergency Management
150 NC 65 Reidsville
(336) 634-3014 Main
(336) 634-3000 24 Hour Emergency
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: rcardwell@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: To save lives and property through fire prevention, education, training, and investigations; to assist in the event of natural or man-made disasters. Inspection of all public and some private building, educational programs, training of firefighters, investigation of suspicious or incendiary type fires; development and maintenance of standard guidelines for multi-hazards and disasters.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit office.
Educational Programs
Fire Services
First Presbyterian Church of Eden Food Pantry
582 Southwood Drive
(336) 623-3962 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Web Site: http://firstpresbyterianeden.org
Description/Notes: This Church provides a food pantry for up to six individuals/families per week. Call on Tuesday between 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. to schedule an appointment to receive food; appointments are held on Tuesday afternoon.
Hours: Call on Tuesday between 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. to schedule an appointment to receive food; appointments are held on Tuesday afternoon.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Application must be filled out.
Eligibility: Eden residents only.
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
Free Clinic of Reidsville
315 South Main Street
(336) 349-3220 ext. 300 Appointment Line
(336) 349-3220 Main
(336) 349-2725 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: clinic@freeclinicrc.org
Web Site: http://www.freeclinicrc.org
Description/Notes: Free clinic offering medical, dental, and pharmacy care to individuals who meet eligibility requirements. Offers a Diabetes Clinical Monitoring Program for diabetic patients. Walk-ins are not accepted.
Hours: Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. For Appointments: Call on Monday – Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p. (336.349.3220 ext. 300) Medical and Dental Screenings: Monday, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Screened for eligibility, must have verification of household income and residence (address.)
Eligibility: To qualify, patients must live in Rockingham County, have no health insurance from any source (exception: Medicare recipients may receive dental services only if they meet all eligibility criteria); be gainfully employed or live in a household with a qualified family member who is employed, and meet financial critieria.
Community Clinics
Diabetes Management Clinics
General Dentistry
Prescription Expense Assistance
Genesis Counseling Associates
307 West Morehead Street
(336) 342-6130 Main
Reidsville, NC 27323
Email: cbw@FLC.net
Description/Notes: Provides individual, family and marital counseling; Substance Abuse counseling; Court-referred Domestic Violence counseling.
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Closed Friday Group Counseling on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings.
Program Fees: Based on client’s income. No service is denied because of inability to pay.
Intake/Application Process: Contact the office.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents.
Family Counseling
Marriage Counseling
Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment
Substance Abuse Counseling
Goodwill Industries of Central North Carolina Resource Centers
1551 Freeway Drive Reidsville
(336) 637-1010 Reidsville Location
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: ssteinberger@triadgoodwill.org
Web Site: http://www.triadgoodwill.org
Description/Notes: Goodwill Industries of Central North Carolina sponsors three Community Resource Centers in Rockingham County. Each center has a Networking Room, Community Computer Lab and job training classes that are free and open to the public. The Network Room provides computers and phones for job searches and applications and the Community Computer Lab provides self-guided software tutorials to enhance computer skills. The class offerings vary at each center but often include career exploration, career planning, job search strategies, interviewing techniques, money management and computer skills.
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
Program Fees: None
Eligibility: Adults seeking employment and employment skills.
Eden Community Resource Center, Goodwill Industries of Central North Carolina Resource Centers
220 W. Kings Hwy
Suite H
(336) 623-3007 Eden Location
Eden, NC 27288
Email: dwomble@triadgoodwill.org
Description/Notes: Goodwill Industries of Central North Carolina sponsors three Community Resource Centers in Rockingham County. Each center has a Networking Room, Community Computer Lab and job training classes that are free and open to the public. The Network Room provides computers and phones for job searches and applications and the Community Computer Lab provides self-guided software tutorials to enhance computer skills. The class offerings vary at each center but often include career exploration, career planning, job search strategies, interviewing techniques, money management and computer skills.
Web Site: http://www.triadgoodwill.org
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
Program Fees: None
Eligibility: Adults seeking employment and employment skills.
Career Counseling
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search Resource Centers
Job Training Formats
Mayodan Career Center, Goodwill Industries of Central North Carolina Resource Centers
220 W. Kings Hwy
Suite H
(336) 949-4849 Mayodan Career Center
Eden, NC 27288
Email: lsuthard@triadgoodwill.org
Description/Notes: Goodwill Industries of Central North Carolina sponsors three Community Resource Centers in Rockingham County. Each center has a Networking Room, Community Computer Lab and job training classes that are free and open to the public. The Network Room provides computers and phones for job searches and applications and the Community ComputerLab provides self-guided software tutorials to enhance computer skills. An on-site job counselor is available for one-on-one career counseling and assistance with resume development at each location. Visitors can get assistance with cover letters and applications, as well as faxing to potential employers.
Web Site: http://www.triadgoodwill.org
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
Program Fees: None
Eligibility: Adults seeking employment and employment skills.
Career Counseling
Job Search Resource Centers
Job Training Formats
Greater Reidsville Habitat
227 W. Morehead Street
(336) 361-0016 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: greaterreidsville@bellsouth.net
Description/Notes: To provide affordable, quality housing for lower income families in the Reidsville area. Construction of single family dwellings.
Hours: No set hours
Program Fees: No fees charged for construction; low closing payment and house payments required.
Intake/Application Process: Fill out application at Reidsville Library. Habitat personnel will review application and contact applicant.
Eligibility: Sufficient income to maintain mortgage payments but unable to purchase housing in the real estate market.
Languages: English
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Subsidized Housing Administrative Organizations
Head Start of Rockingham County
591 NC Hwy 65
(336) 349-4762 Main
(336) 342-6634 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountyheadstart.org
Description/Notes: Head Start is a federally funded program for preschool children from low-income families. The Head Start program is governed by the county commissioners. Our children who attend Head Start participate in a variety of educational activities. They also receive free medical and dental care, have healthy meals and snacks, and enjoy playing indoors and outdoors within a safe setting.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: To apply for Head Start, you will need the following: 1. Birth Certificate 2. Shot/Immunization Records 3. Medicaid/Other Insurance Verification 4. Income verification for all family members for the past 12 months including W2’s Forms, Tax Returns, Check stubs, Child Support, Work First, Disability, SSI, etc.
Eligibility: -Child must reside in Rockingham County -Child must be 3 years of age by August 31st -Applicant must meet age and income eligibility guidelines
Early Childhood Education
Head Start
Help For Homeless, Rockingham County
108-A North Franklin Street
(336) 548-9533 Main
Madison, NC 27025
Email: rchhdave@gmail.com
Web Site: http://rchelpforhomeless.org
Description/Notes: Rockingham County Help for Homeless, Inc. is a faith-based organization providing support services and affordable housing options to individuals and families in Rockingham County who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. Our mission is to help our clients become self sufficient and productive members of our community. RCHH assists individuals and families who are living in places not meant for human habitation or those in emergency shelters, safe havens or living with family and friends. Due to significant loss of income or serious physical or mental illness, maintaining self sufficiency can be an over whelming challenge
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call the number above and a representative will return the call.
Eligibility: Individual must be at least 18 years old and homeless to qualify for the Transitional Housing program. Individuals my be at least 18 years old, homeless and have a documented disability (Substance Abuse, physical or mental illness) to qualify for the Permanent Housing program. Individuals who are at risk of becoming homeless qualify for monies for emergency assistance, monies for shelter and emergency assistance. Individuals who are at risk of becoming homeless qualify for monies for emergency assistance and monies for shelter (when funds are available).
Case/Care Management
Housing Expense Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
335 Country Home Road
P.O. Box 16
(336) 342-3332 24-Hour Crisis Line
(336) 342-3331 Main
(336) 342-6377 Fax
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: aboles@co.rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: www.helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Description/Notes: Help, Inc. works with victims of domestic violence and sexual assault by providing 24 hour crisis intervention and support through the criminal justice process, hospital care and law enforcement. Referrals are made to Legal Aid when necessary. Bilingual staff is available for translations as well as direct client services when needed. Additional services and programs include: -Residential Services Program -Family Support Services -Children’s Advocacy Center (Kaleidoscope) -Community Education -Incredible Years Parenting Program -Resale Shops
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Call.
Eligibility: Rockingham County Resident, or in the area, surrounding areas.
Languages: Spanish for victim support Children’s Advocacy Center- Help, Incorporated Center Against Violence
335 County Home Road
(336) 634-3300 24 Hour/Emergency
(336) 342-3331 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Description/Notes: Comprehensive child abuse intervention services are provided collaboratively with area disciplines and authorities. Professional and clinical services include forensic interviews, counseling, advocacy and medical examinations. Kaleidoscope (CAC) services include advocacy, forensic interviewing, child medical evaluators, court support, therapy, and multidisciplinary case review meetings and case tracking. Other services are also available, such as weekly child groups and community parenting classes. Although all Help, Incorporated office and shelter staff assist with the provision of services in the CAC, three particular staff persons are dedicated to children services
Web Site: www.helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call office for information. Walk-ins are accepted.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Languages: English and Spanish Interpreter can be made available with n
Child Advocacy Centers
Counseling Settings
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault Counseling
Community Education – Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
335 County Home Road
(336) 342-3331 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: aboles@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: In an effort to foster public awareness concerning domestic and sexual violence, the community education component provides presentations to community groups within the workplace and in schools.
Web Site: www.helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call for information and scheduling.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Languages: English
Crime Prevention
Outreach Programs
Public Awareness/Education
Domestic Elder Abuse Program – Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
335 County Home Road
(336) 342-3331 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: aboles@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Special support group for survivors of domestic and sexual violence who are over the age of 50. This group meets weekly and services include monthly multidisciplinary case management meetings. Also offered is a special healthcare ombudsman for victim support and healthcare provider education as well as advocacy, counseling, and shelter in an elder/disabled friendly facility. Individualized case coordination and personal advocacy services, including home visits are provided to elderly and disabled victims of abuse, as well as monthly Multidisciplinary Elder Abuse Team case reviews and long-term care outreach and trainings.
Web Site: www.helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call the office for information. Walk-ins accepted.
Eligibility: Individuals who are 50 years or older and/or disabled.
Languages: English and Spanish interpreter is available with notice
Abuse Counseling
Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation
Case/Care Management
Individual Counseling
Family Support Services – Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
335 County Home Road
(336) 342-3332 24 Hour/Emergency
(336) 342-3331 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: aboles@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Our therapists provide individual, group and family counseling sessions to adults and children who have experienced domestic violence and/or sexual assault. “Circle of Hope” is a group for adult survivors of domestic violence. It is held on Tuesday nights at the Help, Inc. office in Wentworth from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Groups for children and teens who have been victims of or witnesses to domestic violence are also offered on Tuesday evenings. “Living Safe and Strong” group for victims of abuse in later life, meets on Tuesdays from 2:00 to 3:30pm at Brooke’s Place Apartments in Reidsville. “Women Overcoming Wounds” for all ages meets each Thursday from 2:30 to 4:00pm at the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Center.
Web Site: http://helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Languages: English and Spanish available for groups with advanced notic
Abuse Counseling
Counseling Settings
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment
New Beginnings – Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
138 South Scales Street
(336) 342-5003 New Beginnings
Reidsville, NC 27320
Description/Notes: New Beginnings resale shop. Gently used clothing and baby accessories are donated and sold to support the needs of our shelter, Freedom House.
Web Site: helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees for donations, sale items are at reduced prices.
Eligibility: No restrictions
Thrift Shop Support Volunteer Opportunities
Thrift Shops
New Beginnings Too, Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
653 Washington Street
(336) 627-5003 New Beginnings Too
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: New Beginnings Too resale shop. Gently used clothing and baby accessories are donated and sold to support the needs of our shelter, Freedom House.
Web Site: helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees for donations, sale items are at reduced prices.
Eligibility: No restrictions
Thrift Shop Support Volunteer Opportunities
Thrift Shops
New Choices – Strategies for Success, Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
302 N Hwy Street
Suite 1A
(336) 548-2835 Joblink Office
(336) 342-3331 Main
Madison, NC 27025
Email: aboles@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: This program is community-wide for people who need to enter or re-enter the workforce. Participants must have either worked primarily in their own household raising children or caring for family members and have received no financial compensation for their work OR lost their primary source of income due to separation, divorce, disability or death of a spouse. Program staff collaborates on site with the local Goodwill Resource Center and the Reidsville Housing Authority. New Choices focuses on holistic needs and individual case development plans.
Web Site: www.helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: To apply call the office or visit the Joblink office.
Eligibility: Adults between the ages of 24-64.
Languages: English
Career Counseling
Information and Referral
On the Job Training
Resume Preparation Assistance
Nouveau Beginnings, Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
109 West Murphy Street
(336) 548-5004 New Beginnings Too
Madison, NC 27025
Description/Notes: Nouveau Beginnings resale shop. Gently used clothing and baby accessories are donated and sold to support the needs of our shelter, Freedom House.
Web Site: helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees for donations, sale items are at reduced prices.
Eligibility: No restrictions
Thrift Shop Support Volunteer Opportunities
Thrift Shops
Residential Services Program – Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
335 County Home Road
(336) 342-3331 Main
(336) 342-3332 24-Hotline
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: aboles@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: 24-Hour intake, shelter. Provides food, clothing, personal items, life skills classes and limited transportation. Also, offers goal setting sessions with shelter residents and information and referral.
Web Site: www.helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Open 24 hours/7 days
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call office and arrange meeting place. Full intake is done at the shelter site.
Eligibility: Women and their children who feel they are in iminant danger from and intimate partner.
Languages: English, Spanish available with advance notice
Abuse Counseling
Crisis Shelter
Victim Advocacy and Crisis Services, Help, Inc. Center Against Violence
335 County Home Road
(336) 342-3332 24-Hour Emergency
(336) 342-3331 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: aboles@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Works with victims of domestic violence and sexual assault by providing 24 hour crisis intervention and support through the criminal justice process, hospital care and law enforcement. Referrals are made to Legal Aid when necessary. Bilingual staff is available for translations as well as direct client services when needed.
Web Site: http://helpinc-centeragainstviolence.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call the office.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Languages: English and Spanish is available with advance notice
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Crime Victim Support
Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Hospice of Rockingham County
2150 NC Highway 65
(336) 427-9030 Fax
(336) 427-9022 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: lpfhospice@triadbiz.rr.com
Web Site: http://www.hospiceofrockinghamcounty.com/
Description/Notes: Hospice of Rockingham County serves terminally ill patients and their families at home or in a home-like setting, offering the highest quality end-of-life care possible. Their services include: -Experienced medical care -Emotional and social support -Spiritual care -Bereavement care -Trained volunteers Hospice of Rockingham County serves patients regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. Even though HRC receives reimbursement from Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance, if a patient has little or no insurance and no means to pay on a sliding fee scale, HRC does not turn them away. They are served regardless of financial status.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, sliding scale for private pay. Services provided regardless of ability to pay.
Intake/Application Process: Referrals most often come from the health care community, but anyone may make a referral to Hospice of Rockingham County by simply calling the office. Eligibility criteria will be verified with the patient’s physician.
Eligibility: Patient must be certified by a doctor with a terminal prognosis of 6 months or less and not seeking curative treatment.
Languages: English, Spanish and will locate translator for other langua
Bereavement Support Group, Hospice of Rockingham County
Same as Agency address
(336) 427-9030 Fax
(336) 427-9022 Main
Email: hosprc@netpath-rc.net
Description/Notes: Support group for those who have lost loved one to a terminal illness.
Web Site: www.rcpl.org\hospice
Hours: 1st Thursdays 12:30pm-2pm
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Just attend the meetings.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Languages: English
Bereavement Counseling
Counseling Settings
Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment
Humane Society of Rockingham County
205 Boone Rd. Eden, NC 27288
(336) 623-4428 Sue Holland
Eden, NC 27288
Email: info@rockinghamcountyhumanesociety.org
Web Site: http://rockinghamcountyhumanesociety.org
Description/Notes: Works for the prevention of cruelty to animals, relief of suffering among animals, and increasing awareness of animals humane issues among the public. Location of lost pets; outreach on the need for neutering; information on proper animal care; information/referral; education on responsible pet ownership; information on state and local animal laws; animal adoption.
Hours: Sunday: Closed Monday: 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Tuesday: 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Wednesday: Closed Thursday: 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Firday: 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Saturday: 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees for spaying/neutering, and for adoption.
Intake/Application Process: Contact the office.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Animal Rescue
Cruelty to Animals Investigation
Foster Care/Temporary Shelter for Animals
Information and Referral
Neuter/Spay Services
Iglesia Cristiana la Trinidad Food Pantry
186 E. Aiken Road
(336) 458-8439 Main
(336) 623-9626 Alternate
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: This church provides a food pantry on Sunday from 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Hours: Sunday, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: ID
Eligibility: May receive food two times per month.
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
In His Name Christian Services Food Pantry
1863 S. Park Drive
(336) 349-2088 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Description/Notes: This agency sponsors a food pantry on the Fourth Wednesday of each month, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Hours: Fourth Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Application
Eligibility: Must be a Rockingham County resident on Food Stamps
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
Job Resource & Training Center – Rockingham County
302 N Highway Street
Suite 1-B
(336) 427-8200 Fax
(336) 427-3100 Main
Madison, NC 27025
Email: ahairston@nwpcog.org
Web Site: www.nwpcog.org
Description/Notes: Provides individuals with marketable skills, training, and supportive services that contribute to economic self-responsibility. Also provides an internet accessible career resource area used for job research, assessments, career exploration, career counseling, and training services based on labor market demands.
Hours: M-Th, 8am-4pm; F, 8am-12pm (for customers);
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Joblink point of initial contact. Walk-ins accepted.
Eligibility: Company closed, laid off, or income eligible.
Languages: English
Job Training Formats
Joblink Career Center, Rockingham County
8340 Highway 87
(336) 634-5600 Main
(336) 634-5633 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: rockinghamjl@nwpcog.org
Web Site: www.ncesc.com
Description/Notes: To provide individuals and employers universal access to employment services, education and job training, labor market information, and/or supportive services in an integrated, customer driven system that improves job situations, economic independence for individuals and results in a skilled work force. Career planning, training and placement services.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Application.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Languages: All
Career Counseling
Job Training Formats
Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, Department of – Rockingham County
164 Tyre Dodson Road
(336) 634-5707 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: rusty.slate@djjdp.nc.gov
Description/Notes: Purpose of program is to ensure/enhance safe communities by preventing and reducing juvenile crime; to work collaboratively in the community to develop resources and intervention/prevention services. Services include: Intake, probation, and after-care service for children; Counseling services to parents and children; support for children in state youth academics and upon return, to the community; Referral to agencies or group placements to assist children in legal difficulty or who are truant, runaway, or exhibiting behavior problems; probation supervision/ counseling services for children placed on probation, if adjudicated delinquent, or under the protective supervision of the Court, if adjudicated undisciplined.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Program Fees: A public state supported service. No fees to participant.
Intake/Application Process: Make an appointment with Court Counselor for information, referral, or filing of complaints Court disposition for supervision.
Eligibility: Children who are charged or may be charged with a delinquent act (ages 7-15) or an undisciplined act (ages 7-17).
Languages: English
Court Counseling, Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention
Same as Agency address
(336) 634-5709 Fax
(336) 634-5707 Ranae Barker
Email: ranae.barker@ncmail.net
Description/Notes: Intake, probation, and after-care services for delinquent youth 6-15 years and undisciplined youth 6-17 years old. Counseling services to parents and youth referral to other agencies to assist youth in trouble with the law or those youth who are exhibiting behavior problems.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call office and speak with a counselor, signed complaints, interviewed by intake counselor of scheduled appointments.
Eligibility: Delinquent youth under age 16, undisciplined youth under 18.
Languages: English
Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling
L.O.T. 2540
124 New Market
(336) 447-3873 Main
Madison, NC 27025
Email: salvagestore@lot2540.com
Web Site: http://www.lot2540.com/
Description/Notes: A non-profit organization, located in Western Rockingham County of North Carolina whose approach involves the salvaging of lives as well as re-direction of building materials destined for our landfills. These materials are taken to their retail store where they are made available to the public at 50% to 90% lower than their original price. Their mission is to promote: Spiritual and Physical restoration for families and individual, Recycling of lightly used Building materials, and mentoring programs that encourage self-reliance.
Hours: Wednesday and Thursday, 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday, 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Or by appointment
Program Fees: Fees vary by item purchased. No charge for the food pantry.
Food Pantry, L.O.T. 2540
Same as Agency address
(336) 447-3873 Main
Email: salvagestore@lot2540.com
Description/Notes: The food pantry is held on the last Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; and ID is required.
Web Site: http://www.lot2540.com/
Hours: Last Saturday of each month, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Program Fees: No charge for the food pantry.
Intake/Application Process: An ID is required.
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
Free Store, L.O.T. 2540
Same as Agency address
(336) 447-3873 Main
Email: salvagestore@lot2540.com
Description/Notes: The Free Store is a thrift store (clothing and home items) that are free for families in need. Families may fill up to three bags worth of items at no charge. If you can afford to make a donation, please do so, as this will help LOT 2540 to minister to other individuals.
Web Site: http://www.lot2540.com/
Hours: Friday, 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No charge if your truly need the items. If you can afford to make a donation, then please do so.
Intake/Application Process: An ID is required.
Thrift Shops
Soup Kitchen, L.O.T. 2540
Same as Agency address
(336) 447-3873 Main
Email: salvagestore@lot2540.com
Description/Notes: A meal is provided every Saturday, from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. to those in need.
Web Site: http://www.lot2540.com/
Hours: Saturday, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No charge if your truly need the items. If you can afford to make a donation, then please do so.
Intake/Application Process: An ID is required.
Meal Preparation/Serving Volunteer Opportunities
Soup Kitchens
Madison Rockingham Rescue Squad
204 E. Murphy Street
(336) 427-8543 Main
Madison, NC 27025
Email: madsnfd@vnet.net
Description/Notes: Rescue from all types of accidents, medical first-aid for all injuries, transport of sick and injured to medical facilities, search for lost or missing persons, and water searches (body recovery). Rescue squads service as back-up for Emergency Medical System.
Hours: Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Emergency Medical Transportation
Emergency Rescue
Paramedic/EMT Services
Traffic Accident Rescue
Madison, Town of
120 N. Market Street
(336) 427-0241 Clerks Office
Madison, NC 27025
Email: Hawkken209oak@gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.townofmadison.org
Description/Notes: Building Inspector 427-5045 Fire Department (non emergency) 427-4495 Magistrate’s Office 427-0983 Manager’s Office 427-0221 Mayor’s Office 427-0221 Municipal Bldg 427-0221 Planning & Zoning 427-5045 Police Dept. (non emergency) 548-6097 Public Works 548-6041 Rescue Squad 427-8543 Water and Sewer Business Office 427-2271 Water Treatment Plant 427-3971
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
City Government Information Lines
City/Town Clerk Offices
Madison-Mayodan Recreation Commission
300 S 2nd Avenue
P.O. Box 206
(336) 548-1366 Fax
(336) 548-9572 Main
Mayodan, NC 27027
Email: ft@mmrecdept.org
Web Site: www.mmrecdepartment.org
Description/Notes: The Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department provides recreational opportunities for Madison, Mayodan, and the surrounding areas. Facilities include a recreation center, parks, boat access sites, tennis courts, and trails. Programs include youth sports, senior citizen programs, fitness, special events, cultural, and educational programs.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Non-resident user fees for athletic program. Some programs have fees. Fees are waived for those with special needs. Some programs are free.
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit the office.
Eligibility: General public.
Languages: English; CPR taught in Spanish.
Athletic Fields/Courts
Day Camps
Nature Centers/Walks
Picnic Grounds
Recreational Activities/Sports
Mayodan, Town of
Town of Mayodan
210 West Main Street
(336) 427-0241 Clerks Office
Mayodan, NC 27027
Web Site: http://www.townofmayodan.com
Description/Notes: Building Inspector 427-5045 Fire Department (non emergency) 427-4495 Magistrate’s Office 427-0983 Manager’s Office 427-0221 Mayor’s Office 427-0221 Municipal Bldg 427-0221 Planning & Zoning 427-5045 Police Dept. (non emergency) 548-6097 Public Works 548-6041 Rescue Squad 427-8543 Water and Sewer Business Office 427-2271 Water Treatment Plant 427-3971
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
City/Town Clerk Offices
Men In Christ, Inc., Food Pantry
200 South Main Street
(336) 342-9886 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: rbroadnax1@bellsouth.net
Description/Notes: This organization sponsors a food pantry on the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month, from 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., for residents in the Reidsville vicinity.
Hours: Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Application must be filled out, including address, number in household, income, ID.
Eligibility: Reidsville vicinity residents.
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
Morehead Memorial Hospital
117 E Kings Highway
(336) 623-6182 Fax
(336) 623-9711 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Email: wwilliams@morehead.org
Web Site: www.morehead.org
Description/Notes: Morehead Memorial Hospital is an integrated healthcare system established to support and manage hospital/medical related services for the benefit of Rockingham County and surrounding areas.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Emergency Services 24 hrs a day
Program Fees: Vary according to service.
Eligibility: No restricitions.
Mt. Bethel Covenant Church Food Pantry
8130 NC Highway 65
(336) 669-1319 Main
Summerfield, NC 27358
Description/Notes: This Church sponsors a food pantry on the third Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Hours: Third Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Program Fees: None
Eligibility: Anyone in need of food.
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
NC Forest Service – Rockingham County
150 NC 65
(336) 634-3020 Fax
(336) 634-3021 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: rockingham.ncfs@ncagr.gov
Description/Notes: To manage and protect the woodlands of Rockingham County. Forest management and fire control, education/training, natural disaster response.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Contact office.
Forest Conservation
Public Safety
NC Guardian Ad Litem Program – Rockingham County
170 NC Hwy 65,
Ste. C325
(336) 634-6022 Fax
(336) 634-6021 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: william.l.ore@nccourts.org
Web Site: http://www.nccourts.org/County/Rockingham/GAL/Contact.asp
Description/Notes: Advocates for the best interest of abused and neglected children in the court system. A volunteer organization where volunteers are recruited and trained to do independent investigations of children who have been abused, neglected, or who are dependent. These volunteers make recommendations to the court about what is in the best interest of these children in order that they have a safe , stable, and permanent placement.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Volunteers-Application, References, Criminal Record Check, Personal Interview, Training; Swearing In by District Court Judge.
Eligibility: Children in the court system upon substantiation of abuse or neglect. Volunteers-18, no criminal record, and a desire to help.
Languages: English
Guardians ad Litem
New Life Clubhouse
(336) 342-1611 Main
Web Site: www.daymarkrecovery.org
Description/Notes: New Life Clubhouse provides psychosocial rehabilitation to learn daily living/socialization/vocational skills.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Medicaid
Intake/Application Process: Must be referred by Daymark
Social Development and Enrichment
Northwestern Rockingham Community Ministries “Hands of God”
P.O. Box 691
(336) 548-4204 Main
(336) 548-6658 Fax
Madison, NC 27025
Description/Notes: An ecumenical ministry serving people in our communities seeking help with food, utility bills, medical prescriptions, etc., due to emergency situations. Does not assist with rent or mortgage payments. Serves Madison, Mayodan, and Stoneville areas only.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Leave a message. The call will be returned with 24 hours.
Eligibility: Residents of Western Rockingham County (Madison, Mayodan, and Stoneville only).
Food Pantries
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Osborne Baptist Church Food Pantry
326 E. Stadium Drive
(336) 623-6064 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Email: bcarter@osbornebaptist.com
Web Site: http://osbornebaptist.com
Description/Notes: Osborne Baptist Church provides a Food Pantry on Monday from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. for Eden residents only.
Hours: Monday, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Application required, including income and expenses, address, number in household, valid ID.
Eligibility: Eden residents only.
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
ReDirections of Rockingham County
1311 Freeway Drive
(336) 342-3111 Fax
(336) 342-5238 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Description/Notes: Provides alternatives to incarceration and litigation. Mediation services works with two or more persons in need of dispute resolution. Sentencing services works with felons pleading guilty to charges in Superior Court.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: $60 mediation fee paid to the court for dismissals and $20 administration fee.
Intake/Application Process: Call local office. Typically, referrals made through the court system.
Eligibility: For sentencing: felons pleading guilty in Superior Court. For mediation: any two or more persons in need of dispute.
Mediation Services, Redirections Of Rockingham County
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-3111 Fax
(336) 342-0882 Main
Description/Notes: Provides mediation services to individuals and groups that have a conflict with each other. Trained mediators are available to facilitate a mediation session on the District Court level. There are a variety of conflict resolutions which include employment, community and peer resolutions.
Web Site: http://www.redirections.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Call for specifics
Intake/Application Process: Call for specifics.
Eligibility: Non-domestic, non-felon, no- union disputes, or conflict between adults.
Sentencing Services, Redirections of Rockingham County
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-5238 Main
(336) 342-3111 Fax
Description/Notes: Provides detailed reports to the court on persons pleading guilty to felony charges. Reports include thorough background information assessment results and options for sentencing. These options identify programs that will address specific client behavior with the goal of reducing the likelihood of reoffending and lower prison population.
Web Site: http://www.redirections.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Call for specifics.
Intake/Application Process: Call and have a criminal record check.
Eligibility: Adults charged with felony offences that place them in jeopardy of serving an active prison sentence, or probation.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Presentence Investigation
Reidsville Chamber of Commerce
112 Settle Street
(336) 349-8481 Main
(336) 349-8495 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: info@reidsvillechamber.org
Web Site: www.reidsvillechamber.org
Description/Notes: Supports business and commerce through its member-owned and organized abilities. Dedicated to helping businesses get started, network, advertise, and contribute to the community.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary according to number of employees and/or type of membership.
Intake/Application Process: Contact the chamber office.
Eligibility: Any business or individual.
Chambers of Commerce
Reidsville Family YMCA
504 South Main Street
(336) 342-3307 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: heather.whitsett@ymcagreensboro.org
Web Site: http://www.reidsvilleymca.org/
Description/Notes: Offers a full range of sports, athletics, and fitness programs.
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 5:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Friday, 5:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary; joining fees and membership fees are required. Financial assistance is available.
Intake/Application Process: Call, visit, or see website.
Eligibility: Any interested persons; membership required.
Recreational Activities/Sports
Y Facilities
Reidsville Housing Authority
924 Third Avenue
(336) 589-6510 Main
(888) 879-8030 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: mfahrer@1rha.org
Web Site: http://www.1rha.org
Description/Notes: It is the mission of the New Reidsville Housing Authority to provide decent, affordable housing for low-income, elderly, homeless, and special needs residents of Reidsville and Rockingham County, North Carolina. The New Reidsville Housing Authority works to provide decent, affordable housing for low-income, elderly, homeless, and special needs residents of Reidsville and Rockingham County, North Carolina.
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed Fridays
Intake/Application Process: Appointments are not necessary for anyone wishing to apply. applications are taken on Monday – Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. and 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Housing Authorities
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Public Housing
Reidsville Outreach Center
435 S.W. Market Street
(336) 342-7770 Main Number
Reidsville, NC 27323
Email: routreach@bellsouth.net
Description/Notes: To do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8). The center is a coordinated Christian ministry meeting people at their point of need, offering assistance with food, utilities, and other basic needs.
Hours: Applications for food received: Tuesday and Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Food Distributed: Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Applications for food received: Tuesday and Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Must be a resident of Rockingham County.
Reidsville Soup Kitchen
121 Arlington Street
P.O. Box 1826
(336) 349-5071 Main Number
Reidsville, NC 27320
Description/Notes: Feed the hungry one hot meal a day.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Visit the kitchen at 11:00am.
Eligibility: Anyone in need of a hot meal.
Soup Kitchens
Reidsville Parks and Recreation Department
200 N. Franklin Street
(336) 349-1090 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: twiggins@ci.reidsville.nc.us
Web Site: http://www.ci.reidsville.nc.us/government/parks_and_recreation/index/ind…
Description/Notes: Provides recreational and leisure activities for the entire community. Facilities include athletic facilities, ball fields, parks, walking trails, and a swimming pool.
Hours: Office Hours Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Hours vary for athletic facilities and events.
Program Fees: Vary according to activity.
Intake/Application Process: Registration is necessary for all recreation programs.
Leisure Activities/Recreation
Parks/Recreation Areas
Recreational Activities/Sports
Team Sports/Leagues
Reidsville Senior Center
201 N Washington Avenue
(336) 349-1088 Main Number
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: cbaynes@ci.reidsville.nc.us
Web Site: http://www.ci.reidsville.nc.us
Description/Notes: To encourage a healthy active lifestyle by providing an assortment of recreational educational and social activities for older adults. To provide opportunities for new friends, new skills, creative talent, and volunteerism. Services include leisure activities (trips, arts and crafts), health screenings, physical fitness, nutrition sites
Program Fees: No fees for most activities.
Intake/Application Process: Call or come by the office.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents 55 years old or older.
Barnes Street Community Building, Reidsville Senior Center
708 Barnes Street
(336) 394-4841 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: cbaynes@ci.reidsville.nc.us
Description/Notes: The Community Building at 708 Barnes Street hosts multiple events for Rockingham County Seniors age 55+, including programs, arts and crafts, health screenings, nutrition and health education classes, and a congregate meal Monday – Thursday from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Web Site: http://www.ci.reidsville.nc.us
Hours: Congregate meal is Monday – Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees for most activities.
Intake/Application Process: Call or come by the office.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents 55 years old or older.
Arts and Crafts Instruction
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Health Screening/Diagnostic Services
Leisure Activities/Recreation
Nutrition Education
Physical Fitness
Senior Centers
Teen Center, Reidsville Senior Center
506 Sprinkle Street
(336) 394-4864 Teen Center
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: cbaynes@ci.reidsville.nc.us
Description/Notes: The Teen Center at 506 Sprinkle Street hosts multiple events for Rockingham County Seniors age 55+, including Medicare Assistance, SHIIP (State Health Insurance Information Program), Computer Classes, Tax Assistance, and free Legal Aid.
Web Site: http://www.ci.reidsville.nc.us
Hours: Times vary by event; call for specifics.
Program Fees: No fees for most activities.
Intake/Application Process: Call or come by the office.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents 55 years old or older.
Computer and Related Technology Classes
General Legal Aid
Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Tax Preparation Assistance
Reidsville Soup Kitchen
121 Arlington Street
(336) 349-5071 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Description/Notes: Provides a hot meal one time a day for anyone in need.
Hours: Lunch is served 7 days a week, 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Eligibility: Anyone in need of a hot meal.
Meal Preparation/Serving Volunteer Opportunities
Soup Kitchens
Reidsville, City of
230 W. Morehead Street
(336) 349-1030 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: mpearce@ci.reidsville.nc.us
Web Site: www.ci.reidsville.nc.us
Description/Notes: Building Inspections/Permits 349-1066 City Clerk 349-1035 City Manager 349-1030 Engineering 349-1065 Fire Dept 911 Fire Dept. Non-Emergency 349-1024 Housing Dept 349-1080 Police Dept 911 Police Dept. Non-Emergency 349-1010 Public Works 349-1070 Recreation 349-1090 Water & Sewer 349-1076 Wastewater Treatment 349-1100 Water Treatment 342-4002
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Reidsville City residents
City Attorney
City Government Information Lines
City/Town Managers Offices
Municipal Police
Trash/Garbage Pickup
Remmsco, Inc. Halfway House (For Men)
Men’s House
108 Main Street
(336) 342-9504 Main
Web Site: http://www.remmsco.org
Description/Notes: REMMSCO Homes provide housing and treatment for men and women who possess the desire and determination to expend their energy overcoming substance abuse. REMMSCO, Inc. was established to rehabilitate citizens in Rockingham County and surrounding areas who are alcoholics or addicted to drugs. Most clients are also homeless. REMMSCO, Inc. provides a safe home and three healthy meals per day. Each client is provided room and board, and is required to participate in a structured 90-day recovery program which is subject to random drug and alcohol testing. Clients live in two houses – one for men and one for women.
Program Fees: $300 deposit, $100 per week when employed.
Intake/Application Process: Contact Monica Odell.
Eligibility: A prospective resident must be 18 or older, have the desire to overcome alcohol use, and must be drug free upon entrance.
Women’s House, Remmsco, Inc. Halfway House
(336) 342-9504 Main
Description/Notes: REMMSCO Homes provide housing and treatment for men and women who possess the desire and determination to expend their energy overcoming substance abuse. REMMSCO, Inc. was established to rehabilitate citizens in Rockingham County and surrounding areas who are alcoholics or addicted to drugs. Most clients are also homeless. REMMSCO, Inc. provides a safe home and three healthy meals per day. Each client is provided room and board, and is required to participate in a structured 90-day recovery program which is subject to random drug and alcohol testing. Clients live in two houses – one for men and one for women.
Web Site: http://www.remmsco.org
Program Fees: $300 deposit, $100 per week when employed.
Intake/Application Process: Contact Monica Odell.
Eligibility: A prospective resident must be 18 or older, have the desire to overcome alcohol use, and must be drug free upon entrance.
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities
Rockingham Community College
(336) 342-4261 Main
(336) 634-0132 TTY
Email: helmickm@rockinghamcc.edu
Web Site: www.rockinghamcc.edu
Description/Notes: RCC was chartered in 1963 as a comprehensive, public community college with an open door admissions policy. Our purpose is to provide high quality, economical, and convenient educational opportunities consistent with students and the community. In addition to offering Associate degrees in Arts, Fine Arts, and Science, RCC also offers various technical, vocational and occupational diplomas and certificates. RCC also offers GED and literacy programs, and Adult Basic Education.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Adult Basic High School/GED are at no charger. Based on credit hours. Senior citizens (over 65) who are N.C. residents are admitted at no charge.
Intake/Application Process: Contact Admissions Office, ext. 2333.
Eligibility: 18 years old or older and meet admission requirements.
Adult Basic Education, Rockingham Community College
215 Wrenn Memorial Road, Highway 65
(336) 634-0132 TTY
(336) 342-4261 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: helmickm@rockinghamcc.edu
Description/Notes: The purpose of the Rockingham Community College Adult Basic Education (ABE) program is to help students build basic skills in reading, speaking, writing, math, decision making, and critical thinking. Improvement in these skills will help in daily activities at home, work, or in the community. ABE instruction is individualized and self paced. ABE is the appropriate program as a first step towards High School Equivalency (GED) certificate. Contact: (336) 342-4261 ext. 2146
Web Site: www.rockinghamcc.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Program Fees: Adult Basic High School/GED are at no charge.
Intake/Application Process: Contact: (336) 342-4261 ext. 2146
Eligibility: 18 years old or older and meet admission requirements.
Adult Basic Education
Center for Active Retirement, Rockingham Community College
P.O. Box 38
(336) 342-9988 Fax
(336) 342-4261 Community College
(336) 342-2163 Main Number
Wentworth, NC 27375
Description/Notes: To enhance the quality of life for the older adults of Rockingham County, by providing facilities and opportunities for social educational, cultural, health and recreational activities. Transportation is available through the Council on Aging.
Web Site: www.rcc.cc.nc.us
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Visit or call the center.
Eligibility: Retired Senior Citizens.
Adult Education
Health Education
Recreational Activities/Sports
Community and WorkForce Education, Rockingham Community College
P.O. Box 38
(336) 342-4261 Ext. 2140
(336) 349-9986 Fax
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: presleyj@rcc.cc.nc.us
Description/Notes: To promote the value of learning to enhance the quality of life for all. Adult Basic Education, Computer Training, Center for Active Retirement, Employee and Team Training, English as Second Language, Focused Industrial Training, Small Business Center, Technical Training, Various Workforce certification Courses, and Workplace Basic Skill; Criminal Justice Program, Basic Law Enforcement Training, and Emergency Service Training; Safe Driving Program; Workforce Customized Training, and a variety of online courses.
Program Fees: Vary according to service.
Intake/Application Process: Contract RCC.
Eligibility: Any interested persons.
Adult Basic Education
Computer and Related Technology Classes
GED Instruction
Human Services Statistics
Job Training Formats
English as a Second Language (ESL), Rockingham Community College
215 Wrenn Memorial Road, Highway 65
(336) 634-0132 TTY
(336) 342-4261 ext. 2382 ESL Contact Number Contact
(336) 342-4261 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: helmickm@rockinghamcc.edu
Description/Notes: As part of the adult education program, Rockingham Community College offers English As A Second Language (ESL) classes. ESL is a program of instruction designed for adults who have limited English proficiency whose primary language is no English, ESL classes are offered through out the year and may be held in various areas throughout the County.
Web Site: www.rockinghamcc.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Program Fees: Adult Basic High School/GED are at no charge. Based on credit hours. Senior citizens (over 65) who are N.C. residents are admitted at no charge.
Intake/Application Process: Contact Admissions Office, ext. 2333.
Eligibility: 18 years old or older and meet admission requirements.
English as a Second Language
Gerald B. James Library, Rockingham Community College
P.O. Box 38
(336) 342-1203 Fax
(336) 342-4261 Ext. 2247
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: gomezm@rockinghamcc.edu
Description/Notes: To support instructional programs of RCC; to provide general reference/informational services to county residents; to provide County materials on microfilm. Reference/research; book circulation; exhibits; information/referral; audiovisual material and periodicals for library use only.
Web Site: www.rockinghamcc.edu/lrc/index2.htm
Hours: M-Th, 7:45am-9pm: F, 7:45-5pm: Exceptions on Holidays and Su
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Fill out application card.
Eligibility: RCC students and Rockingham County residents 18 years or older.
Information and Referral
Library Audiovisual Services
Library Services
Rockingham Community College Center for Active Retirement
- Jerry Owens Human Services Building.
215 Wrenn Memorial Road
(336) 342-4261 ext. 2163 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: mitchellr@rockinghamcc.edu
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcc.edu/pages/car.php
Description/Notes: The Rockingham Community College Center for Active Retirement (C.A.R.) provides opportunities for Rockingham County’s older adults to enhance their qualify of life. The facility is conveniently located on the Rockingham Community College Campus in the N. Jerry Owens Human Services Building. Seniors enjoy games, activities, fitness, and trips. C.A.R. participants are encouraged to use the cosmetology lab, gymnasium, walking track, the Gerald B. James Library, and the multimedia center for self-directed computer training. They are invited to attend the many cultural events that are scheduled on the RCC campus. The bi-monthly newsletter, The Senior Scoop, keeps the seniors informed of C.A.R. events, course offerings, volunteer opportunities, scheduled trips, and other articles of interest to older adults. To become a subscriber to the newsletter, or for information on the Center, contact: Ruth Mitchell, Director, at (336) 342-4261, ext. 2163/2331 or Email: mitchellr@rockinghamcc.edu
Hours: Hours vary by program. Contact for specifics.
Program Fees: Some activities are free, others will have minimal costs. Contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Senior Adults 55 and older.
Rockingham County
371 Highway 65
(336) 342-8105 Fax
(336) 342-8100 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: lmetzler@co.rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: http:www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Clerk to Commissioners 342-8102 Madison Branch 548-6553 Community Service 342-8805 Mayodan Branch 548-6951 County Manager 342-8101 Reidsville Branch 349-8476 Clerk, Superior Court 342-6000 Stoneville Branch 573-9040 Board of Elections 342-8107 District Attorney 342-6069 Magistrates Eden 627-0130 Madison 427-0983 Reidsville 634-5620 Wentworth 634-6108 Emergency Management 634-3017 Head Start 349-4762 Inspections 342-8134 Juvenile Services 634-5707 Library Administration 627-1106 Bookmobile 627-3729 Eden Branch 623-3168 N. C. Cooperative Ext. 342-8230 Partnership for Economic &Tourism Dev. 342-8138 Personnel/Purchasing 342-8111 Planning/Zoning 342-8134 Probation/Parole 634-5672 Public Health 342-8100 Register of Deeds 342-8820 Social Services 342-1394 Sheriff’s Office 634-3030 Soil/Water Conservation 342-0460 Animal Control 634-3232 Tax Department 342-8280 Detectives 634-3238 Veterans Services 342-8449 Jail 634-3236 Water/Sewer 342-8407 Youth Services 342-5756
Hours: Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary for some services.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents.
County Executive Offices
County Government Information Lines
Municipal Police
Rockingham County Arts Council (RCAC)
1122 NC Hwy 65
(336) 349-4039 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: director@artsinrockingham.org
Web Site: http://artsinrockingham.org
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Arts Council is the focal point/umbrella organization for the arts and information about the arts in Rockingham County. Their mission is to nurture and enrich the cultural life of Rockingham County. They seek to encourage excellence in the arts and to make fine arts experiences available throughout our community by sponsoring festivals, educational experiences, camps, etc.
Program Fees: Some fees for certain events; contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Any Rockingham County Resident
Dan River Art Market, Rockingham County Arts Council (RCAC)
Same as Agency address
(336) 349-4039 Main
Email: director@artsinrockingham.org
Description/Notes: The Dan River Art Market has over 200 local artists and craftspeople displaying and selling their original art work and handcrafts. The new Art Market & Gallery represents a diverse range of visual art, to include painting and other two dimensional media, pottery, sculpture, fiber arts, glass, original jewelry, fine heritage crafts, and more.
Web Site: http://artsinrockingham.org
Program Fees: Some fees for certain events; contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Any Rockingham County Resident
Artist Services
Rockingham County Board of Elections
240 Cherokee Camp Road
(336) 342-8107 Office
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: tcardwell@co.rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Oversees all Elections at the state, county, and municipal levels for the County.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Filing Fees
Eligibility: Serves Rockingham County residents.
County Elections Director Offices
Rockingham County Business & Technology Center
240 Cherokee Camp Road
Suite 2
(336) 342-7853 Main
(336) 342-7856 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: info@rockinghambusiness.org
Web Site: info@rockinghambusiness.org
Description/Notes: Supports economic development efforts in Rockingham County through entrepreneurship and technology development. Services include free business mentoring and technology counseling to current and aspiring entrepreneurs; business and technology-focused worship training; free internet access; low-cost services, and low-cost conference room rentals.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Business and technology mentoring and workshop training are free. Internet access is free. Contact office for copy service and rental fees.
Eligibility: Any Rockingham County citizen.
Small Business Development
Rockingham County Cooperative Extension
525 NC 65
Suite 200
(336) 342-8230 Main
(336) 342-8242 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320-8861
Email: brenda_sutton@ncsu.edu
Web Site: http://rockingham.ces.ncsu.edu
Description/Notes: N.C. Cooperative extension is an educational partnership helping people put research-based knowledge to work for economic prosperity, environmental stewardship, and an improve quality or life. Services include 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture and Food, Health and Nutrition, Home and Family, Lawn and Garden, and more.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Usually none, some user/activity fees.
Intake/Application Process: Call, write, or visit the county extension office.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Agriculture and Food, Rockingham County Cooperative Extension
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8230 Main
(336) 342-8242 Fax
Email: william_strader@ncsu.edu
Description/Notes: North Carolina Cooperative Extension’s educational programs provide farmers and agribusinesses with the research-based knowledge they need to produce high-quality crops and livestock in economically and environmentally sustainable ways. Assistance and information is provided in the following areas: Animal Agriculture Commercial Horticulture, Nursery, & Turf Farm Health & Safety Field Crops Food Safety & Processing Local Foods Pest Management Specialty Crops
Web Site: http://rockingham.ces.ncsu.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Usually none, some user/activity fees.
Intake/Application Process: Call, write, or visit the county extension office.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Agricultural and Food Sciences Research
Food Production Support Services
Health and Nutrition, Rockingham County Cooperative Extension
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8242 Fax
(336) 342-8230 Main
Email: marti_day@ncsu.edu
Description/Notes: North Carolina Cooperative Extension’s educators help people sort fact from fad, providing research-based programs that promote a lifetime of good health. Programs cover a broad spectrum, from pesticide safety to indoor air quality, from childhood nutrition and physical activity to heart-healthy eating and food safety.
Web Site: http://rockingham.ces.ncsu.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Usually none, some user/activity fees.
Intake/Application Process: Call, write, or visit the county extension office.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Nutrition Education
Lawn and Garden, Rockingham County Cooperative Exentsion Service
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8230 Main
(336) 342-8242 Fax
Email: kathryn_holmes@ncsu.edu
Description/Notes: North Carolina Cooperative Extension’s educational programs provide farmers and agribusinesses with the research-based knowledge they need to produce high-quality crops and livestock in economically and environmentally sustainable ways. Assistance and information is provided in the following areas: Animal Agriculture Commercial Horticulture, Nursery, & Turf Farm Health & Safety Field Crops Food Safety & Processing Local Foods Pest Management Specialty Crops
Web Site: http://rockingham.ces.ncsu.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Usually none, some user/activity fees.
Intake/Application Process: Call, write, or visit the county extension office.
Eligibility: No restrictions.
Gardening/Landscaping Instruction
Rockingham County Department of Public Health
371 NC 65
Suite 204
(336) 342-8140 Main
(336) 342-8356 Fax
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: gmartin@co.rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Description/Notes: Operates many service programs for county citizens such as nursing, environmental health, and screening/vaccinations.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm, with night clinics on Thur
Program Fees: Vary (no one denied nursing services due to inability to pay).
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit the office. Many screening an clinics have established hours.
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8149 Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
Description/Notes: The Health Promotions program, in conjunction with the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of Rockingham County, and Rockingham County Youth Services provides a program aimed at reducing teen pregnancy. The TOP (Teen Outreach Program) is a program that focuses on self-worth in participants by exploring issues of self-esteem values relationships influences goal-setting decision-making communication sexuality service learning Currently, the program is delivered to approximately 150 middle school students.
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Sexual Abstinence Education Programs
Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Adult Health Clinic, Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8195 Adult and Child Health
Email: sjoyce@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: The Adult Nurse Practitioner offers health screenings to clients 18 years and older. Annual physical examinations and acute care are provided. Some conditions may require a physician’s consultation and/or referral. Services includes: Acute Care Preventive Care Immunizations Appointments Monday through Friday After hours appointments – 3rd. Thursdays of each month
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm; Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Vary (no one denied nursing services due to inability to pay).
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit the office. Many screening an clinics have established hours.
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Adolescent/Adult Immunizations
Community Clinics
Child Health Clinic, Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8195 Adult and Child Health
Email: mrobertson@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Child Health Clinic: The purpose of the Child Health services is to maintain good health. Good health is maintained by: Prevention of illness Early detection and referral Guidance Services include: Physical/Well Child Exam Lab Services Immunizations Dental Varnish Asthma Clinic Developmental Screenings Vision & Hearing Screenings Nutritional Consultation
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Vary (no one denied nursing services due to inability to pay).
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit the office.
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Ambulatory Pediatrics
Childhood Immunizations
Developmental Assessment
Well Baby Care
Child Service Coordination (CSC), Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8161 Child Services Coordination
Description/Notes: CSC is a case management program designed to help children get the best possible care during the first years of life. There is no financial eligibility criteria for CSC and participation is voluntary. CSC is provided by registered nurses and social workers. CSC helps families identify their strengths and needs and find resources to make decisions. CSC coordinates all the services being received and assures that the rights of children and their families and protected. CSC monitors growth and development of children on the program and provides information/counseling on stages of development and parenting. Target Population: Families of children less than three years of age who are at risk for developmental delay/disability, chronic illness, and social-emotional disorder. Families of children birth to five years of age who have a diagnosed developmental delay/disorder, chronic illness, or social emotional disorder.
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Free
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Dental Clinic, Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8273 Dental Services
Email: jwilson@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: All Medicaid and N.C. Health Choice for Children families can receive dental treatment at the Rockingham County Department of Health Dental Clinic. The clinic is open and accepting patients on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays from 9:00 am-5:00 pm. There is no waiting list.
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Tuesday – Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Free
Intake/Application Process: Call (336) 342-8273 for an appointment.
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
General Dentistry
Environmental Health, Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8180 Environmental Health
Email: tnelson@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Targets prevention of communicable and environmentally related diseases in the community. Services include water supply, onsite wastewater and well permitting, rodent control, rabies clinics, communicable disease evaluation, chemical spill/emergency response, food/lodging/sanitation inspections.
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary by type inspection
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Pharmacy Services, Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8193 Pharmacy Services
Email: abennett@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: -Prescriptions at little or no charge to eligible health department patients -Medicines to treat tuberculosis (TB) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are free of charge; as well as birth control methods and child health -A clinical pharmacist is available by appointment for medication management reviews -Some medications may not be available
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., with Thursday evening clinic hours
Program Fees: Prescriptions at little or no charge to eligible health department patients -Medicines to treat tuberculosis (TB) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are free of charge; as well as birth control methods and child health
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Prescription Expense Assistance
Postpartum/Newborn Home Visit, Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8161 Postpartum/Newborn Home Visit
Description/Notes: The postpartum/newborn home visiting program is a Medicaid funded home visiting program for residents of Rockingham County. The focus of the visit is an assessment by a registered nurse (RN) of the mother and her newborn, counseling, teaching and referral. The RN weighs the newborn and after the assessment, the RN reports any abnormalities to the client’s doctor. A home visit is attempted within five working days of hospital discharge. Target Population: Medicaid postpartum women and their newborns
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. A registered nurse is on call weekends and holidays from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon for visits which must be made prior to the next working day.
Program Fees: Free
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Postpartum Care
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Services, Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8195 Adult and Child Health
Description/Notes: -Screenings for STI -Treatment offered Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm -Counseling for prevention of STIs -HIV testing and counseling available -Clients seen by appointment -Symptomatic clients seen within 24 hours
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Free
Intake/Application Process: Call (336) 342-8273 for an appointment.
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Women, Infants and Children (WIC), Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8200 WIC Services
Email: dpettaway@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: The WIC program is a supplemental nutrition program for pregnant/breastfeeding/postpartum women, infants and children (age one to five). Participants must be income eligible and have a medical/nutritional risk factor. Vouchers for nutritious foods and nutrition education are provided for each client.
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Free
Intake/Application Process: Call 336-342-8200 for an appointment.
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Women’s Preventive Health Clinic, Rockingham County Department of Public Health
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-8194 Family Planning/Women Health
Email: mfoster@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: The Women’s Preventive Health Cling provides Family Planning, Breast/Cervical Cancer Screening, and Preventive Care. Appointments are Monday through Friday with after hours appointments on Thursdays.
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Free
Eligibility: Based on family income.
Languages: English, Spanish, and other languages
Birth Control
Cancer Detection
Women’s Health Centers
Rockingham County Department of Social Services
361 NC Hwy 65
(336) 342-3537 Protective Services Hotline
(336) 634-1847 Fax
(336) 342-1394 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Department of Social Services provides a wide array of Economic Services, Children’s Services and Services for Adults. Services include financial/medical assistance, transportation, adult/child protective services, child support enforcement, child care subsidies, care alternatives program, fuel/emergency assistance, adult services, information and referral, and foster care and adoption.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Most services are free.
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Based on income number in household.
Languages: English and Spanish
Adult Care Home Case Management, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 634-1847 Fax
(336) 342-1394 Main
Email: sadams@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Case management services to Medicaid/Special Assistance eligible residents of Adult Care Homes in Rockingham County who need extensive or total assistance with tasks of feeding, toileting, and/or ambulating.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Languages: English and Spanish
Case/Care Management
Adult Protective Services, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: fferrell@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Receives and evaluates information on alleged abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of older/disabled adults. Services to correct such for those 18 years or older, disabled, and unable to carry out daily activities, or to protect their own interest.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Languages: English and Spanish
Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation
Cash Assistance and Employment Services, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: scrutchf@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Employment services provided to recipients of Work First Cash Assistance. Services include job search, work experience, and short-term skills training/education and supportive services.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Based on income and number in household.
Languages: English and Spanish
Welfare to Work Programs
Child Day Care Subsidy, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main – DSS
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Description/Notes: The Child Day Care Subsidy program provides funds for temporary care for children to allow parents or caretakers to work and/or attend school.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Must meet income requirements.
Languages: English and Spanish
Child Care Expense Assistance
Child Protective Services, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main – DSS
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: sirving@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Foster Care – Provides temporary out of home placement of children in order to provide them a safe and secure environment. Adoption Services are designed to assist in finding permanent homes for children whose natural parents choose not to parent them.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Languages: English and Spanish
Child Support Enforcement, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
425 NC Hwy 65
(336) 634-1847 Fax
(336) 342-1394 Main – DSS
(776) 749-5725 Child Support Enforcement Office
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: sscales@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Processes initial child support claims and follows up to ensure claims are carried out in compliance with the law.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Languages: English and Spanish
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Food and Nutrition Services, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: mgraves@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Provides monetary benefits to income-eligible households to assist them in meeting their nutritional needs. This benefit is provided monthly via a debit card known as an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, which may be used at selected stores for certain foods.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Languages: English and Spanish
Food Stamps/SNAP
Foster Care and Adoption Services, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main – DSS
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: sirving@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Foster Care – Provides temporary out of home placement of children in order to provide them a safe and secure environment. Adoption Services are designed to assist in finding permanent homes for children whose natural parents choose not to parent them.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Languages: English and Spanish
Adoption Services
Foster Home Placement
Foster Parent/Family Recruitment
Guardianship, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: fferrell@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Provides information about guardianship of incompetent adults. Petition for guardianship if individual is indigent and has no one to assist. Serves as guardian of incompetent adult if no family, friend, or assets to pay public guardian.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Languages: English and Spanish
Public Guardianship/Conservatorship Programs
Medicaid, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: ceverett@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Medicaid is a health insurance program for low-income individuals and families who cannot afford health care costs. Medicaid serves low-income parents, children, seniors, and people with disabilities.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Based on income and number in household.
Languages: English and Spanish
NC Health Choice, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: ceverett@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: NC Health Choice for Children provides health coverage for uninsured children whose families do not have health insurance benefits and who do not qualify for Medicaid. Services covered under the program include well child check-ups, immunizations, sick visits, vision and hearing care, lab test, therapies, medications/prescriptions, hospital care, medical equipment and supplies, counseling, and surgery. Covers for mental health and dental services as well.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Income guidelines apply and there is an enrollment fee if countable income equals or exceeds set amounts
Languages: English and Spanish
State/Local Health Insurance Programs
Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 634-1847 Fax
(336) 342-1394 Main
Description/Notes: Assistance to eligible blind and/or visually impaired persons.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Languages: English and Spanish
Glasses/Contact Lenses
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Special Assistance to Adults, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: fferrell@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Provides assistance to persons living in adult care homes that are in financial need and who are ages 65 or older or between age 18 and 65 and are disabled or blind. There are income and resource limits. If eligible, your facility will get a monthly check to help pay for the cost of care and a Medicaid card.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Languages: English and Spanish
Case/Care Management
Long Term Care Resident Subsidies
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 634-1847 Fax
(336) 342-1394 Main
Email: ceverett@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Provides temporary financial assistance and Medicaid for families with minor children who are deprived of parental support. A division of the Economic Services Program.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Based on income and number in household.
Languages: English and Spanish
Transportation Services for Medicaid Recipients, Rockingham County Department of Social Services
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-1394 Main
(336) 634-1847 Fax
Email: dmcguire@co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Provides transportation for Medicaid recipients with full benefits and authorized for Medicaid transportation services through the Department of Social Services.
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 .a.m – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Contact for specifics.
Eligibility: Must be a Medicaid recipient.
Languages: English and Spanish
Medical Appointments Transportation
Rockingham County Emergency Services
371 NC Hwy 65
(336) 634-3017 Fire Marshal/Emergency Management
(336) 634-3300 911 Communications
(336) 634-3000 Main
(336) 634-3005 EMS
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: jbowles@rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Emergency Services provides emergency services to the citizens of Rockingham County. It consists of four sections which are: Emergency Management, 9-1-1 Communications Center, Emergency Medical Services, and the Fire Marshal’s Office.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Service Hours: 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
Eligibility: All residents of Rockingham County are eligible for services.
Rockingham County Emergency Medical Service
P.O. Box 335
(336) 634-3002 Fax
(336) 634-3000 Main Number
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: lellington@www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Provide emergency medical care at the advanced life support level to the acutely sick and/or injured citizens and visitors of Rockingham County -24 hours a day. We can be quickly accessed by calling 9-1-1.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Program Fees: Cost is based on both level of care rendered and mileage traveled.
Intake/Application Process: Call 9-1-1 for emergencies/Call 336-634-3009 for Program Speaker Services.
Eligibility: No eligibility requirements..
Languages: Primarily English/Limited Spanish
Crime Prevention
Job Training Formats
Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment
Paramedic/EMT Services
Rockingham County Healthy Carolinians Partnership
371 NC 65
(336) 342-8258 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcountypublichealth.org
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Healthy Carolinians is a Certified Partnership of the Governors Task Force. The mission of the Partnership is to advocate, guide, and assist Rockingham County in planning and implementing health care strategies to promote healthy lifestyles, improve health status and to increase the years of quality living for all residents in the county. Rockingham County Healthy Carolinians currently addresses five top priority areas, identified after the 2008 Rockingham County Community Health Assessment (CHA). Those areas are: Cancer Obesity Access to Health Care Mental Health Substance Abuse The partnership address these priority areas through the hard work and dedication of three work groups.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Any Rockingham County resident, business, or organization that advocates for health and wellness.
General Health Education Programs
Wellness Programs
Rockingham County Partnership for Children
7572 NC 87
(336) 342-9962 Fax
(336) 342-9676 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: hadams@rockinghamkids.org
Web Site: www.rcpfc.org
Description/Notes: RCPC is a public, private non-profit organization, which administers Smart Start funds and services for children age birth through five and their families in Rockingham County.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm (Closed Holidays)
Program Fees: None.
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit office.
Eligibility: Families with young children birth to age 5.
Languages: English, Spanish available through Migrant Education and Health Child Care Resource and Referral – Rockingham County
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-9676 Main
Email: jvenable@rockinghamkids.org
Description/Notes: -Provides technical assistance and support to people interested in opening a child care facility, and to child care providers to increase quality. -Referrals to parents/guardians about child care. Information about quality child care and what to look for. -Work shops for child care providers on child development, activities, lesson planning, discipline, etc. -Advocacy for children and families. -Referrals to resources dealing with children and/or child care, subsidized child care, and transportation to child care/ health appointments.
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamkids.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit the office; referrals accepted from other agencies.
Eligibility: Children age birth – 5 and their families. Some school-age support.
Child Care Expense Assistance
Child Care Instruction
Child Care Provider Referrals
Head Start
Infant Care Centers
Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, Rockingham County Partnership for Children
7572 Highway 87
(336) 342-9962 Fax
(336) 342-9676 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Description/Notes: Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library offers any child, age birth-five, in Rockingham County a free, developmentally appropriate book once per month from the time they are born until their 5th birthday. Once children are enrolled in the program, books are mailed to their home each month. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library encourages reading along with parent and child interaction ultimately helping children enter kindergarten with established pre-literacy skills critical to later reading success. With your help the program anticipates enrolling children beginning in the fall of 2012! For $25/year a child can be sponsored in the program (that’s just $125 for five years!). Our goal is to serve as many children as possible!
Web Site: www.rockinghamkids.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None. Sponsorship is $25 per year per child.
Intake/Application Process: Call office. Referral accepted from other agencies.
Eligibility: Children age birth through 5 years old and their families.
Early Literacy Development Programs
Parents as Teachers – Rockingham County
Same as Agency address
(336) 342-9962 Fax
(336) 342-9676 Main
Description/Notes: Parents as Teachers (PAT) provides monthly home visits to families of children prenatal through kindergarten entry to assist and support parents in teaching their children and preparing them for school. The program provides services in: -Health and physical development -Social and emotional development -Language development and communication -Cognition and general knowledge -Approaches toward learning
Web Site: www.rockinghamkids.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fee.
Intake/Application Process: Personal visit. Enrollment form. Call office. Appointment recommended.
Eligibility: Rockingham county resident. Expectant parent or have child(ren) up to 5 years old.
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance Programs
Home Based Parenting Education
Young Moms Connect, Rockingham County Partnership for Children
7572 Highway 87
(336) 342-9962 Fax
(336) 342-9676 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Description/Notes: Rockingham County Young Moms Connect offers support to women ages 13-24 who are pregnant and/or parenting. The goal is to support and increase community efforts that work to improve the health of pregnant and parenting women and their families. Funding for the project comes from the Women’s Health Branch of the NC Division of Public Health. The mission of the project is to: Increase high school graduation rates. Decrease case of child abuse and neglect. Increase participation in prenatal care. Increase intake of young adults at family planning clinics. Lower the number of unintended pregnancies
Web Site: www.rockinghamkids.org
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call office. Referral accepted from other agencies.
Eligibility: Children age birth through 5 years old and their families.
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Child Care Provider Referrals
Family Literacy Programs
School Readiness Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Rockingham County Partnership for Economic and Tourism Development
371 NC Highway 65
Suite 205
(800) 316-ROCK Toll Free
(336) 342-8138 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: gpervier@ncnorthstar.com
Web Site: http://www.ncnorthstar.com
Description/Notes: Works to recruit and retain quality employment and good corporate citizens to the county.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Regional Economic Development
Rockingham County Public Library
527 Boone Road
(336) 627-3729 Outreach (Bookmobile, Homebound)
(336) 623-1258 Fax
(336) 627-1106 Library Administration
(336) 623-3168 Children’s Services
Eden, NC 27288
Web Site: www.rcpl.org
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Public Library provides print and non-print materials for circulation and in-house use to all ages. Expert assistance with informational needs and with advice in selecting reading materials is available. They provide public access computers with at least one in Spanish in every branch. Outreach services include a bookmobile, deliveries to day care centers, services for elderly, and annual children’s programs. The Outreach Department is located in the library’s Administration Building. The department offers bookmobile service, homebound delivery, and service to nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The library’s first bookmobile went into service in 1937 and was one of the first bookmobiles in North Carolina.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged for library cards; $0.15 per page for copies; $1-2 per tax.
Intake/Application Process: Complete application card; children 18 and younger must have parents signature. Bring proof of current address to any branch.
Eligibility: Work in, own property in or be a Rockingham County resident.
Languages: English, Spanish language computers
Eden Library, Rockingham County Public Library
598 S. Pierce Street
(336) 627-1106 Library Administration
(336) 623-3068 Eden Branch
(336) 623-1171 Eden Fax
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Public Library provides print and non-print materials for circulation and in-house use to all ages. Expert assistance with informational needs and with advice in selecting reading materials is available. They provide public access computers with at least one in Spanish in every branch. Outreach services include a bookmobile, deliveries to day care centers, services for elderly, and annual children’s programs. This branch has: Two meeting rooms Computers with internet access and Microsoft Office Children’s room and teen corner Color copier and fax service Wireless internet access
Web Site: www.rcpl.org
Hours: Monday, Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sat 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed on Sundays
Program Fees: No fees charged for library cards; $0.15 per page for copies;
Intake/Application Process: Complete application card; children 18 and younger must have parents signature. Bring proof of current address to any branch.
Eligibility: Work in, own property in or be a Rockingham County resident.
Languages: English, Spanish language computers
Genealogical Collections
Library Services
Madison Library, Rockingham County Public Library
140 E. Murphy Street
(336) 627-1106 Library Administration
(336) 548-6553 Madison Library
Madison, NC 27025
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Public Library provides print and non-print materials for circulation and in-house use to all ages. Expert assistance with informational needs and with advice in selecting reading materials is available. They provide public access computers with at least one in Spanish in every branch. Outreach services include a bookmobile, deliveries to day care centers, services for elderly, and annual children’s programs. This branch has: The Linda Vernon Genealogy Room Computers with internet access and Microsoft Office Children’s area and teen corner Color copier and fax service Wireless internet access
Web Site: www.rcpl.org
Hours: Tuesday, 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Closed Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays
Program Fees: No fees charged for library cards; $0.15 per page for copies;
Intake/Application Process: Complete application card; children 18 and younger must have parents signature. Bring proof of current address to any branch.
Eligibility: Work in, own property in or be a Rockingham County resident.
Languages: English, Spanish language computers
Genealogical Collections
Library Services
Mayodan Library, Rockingham County Public Library
101 N. 10th Avenue
(336) 627-1106 Library Administration
(336) 548-6951 Mayodan Library
Mayodan, NC 27027
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Public Library provides print and non-print materials for circulation and in-house use to all ages. Expert assistance with informational needs and with advice in selecting reading materials is available. They provide public access computers with at least one in Spanish in every branch. Outreach services include a bookmobile, deliveries to day care centers, services for elderly, and annual children’s programs. This branch has: Meeting room Computers with internet access and Microsoft Office Weekly story times for children Occasional computer classes Children’s area and teen corner Color copier and fax service Wireless internet access
Web Site: www.rcpl.org
Hours: Monday, 9:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays
Program Fees: No fees charged for library cards; $0.15 per page for copies;
Intake/Application Process: Complete application card; children 18 and younger must have parents signature. Bring proof of current address to any branch.
Eligibility: Work in, own property in or be a Rockingham County resident.
Languages: English, Spanish language computers
Genealogical Collections
Library Services
Reidsville Library, Rockingham County Public Library
204 W. Morehead Street
(336) 349-8476 Reidsville Library
(336) 627-1106 Library Administration
Reidsville, NC 27320
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Public Library provides print and non-print materials for circulation and in-house use to all ages. Expert assistance with informational needs and with advice in selecting reading materials is available. They provide public access computers with at least one in Spanish in every branch. Outreach services include a bookmobile, deliveries to day care centers, services for elderly, and annual children’s programs. This branch has: Three meeting rooms Computers with internet access and Microsoft Office Weekly story times for children Occasional computer classes Children’s area and teen corner Color copier and fax service Wireless internet access
Web Site: www.rcpl.org
Hours: Monday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday; 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed on Sundays
Program Fees: No fees charged for library cards; $0.15 per page for copies;
Intake/Application Process: Complete application card; children 18 and younger must have parents signature. Bring proof of current address to any branch.
Eligibility: Work in, own property in or be a Rockingham County resident.
Languages: English, Spanish language computers
Genealogical Collections
Library Services
Stoneville Library, Rockingham County Public Library
201 E. Main Street
(336) 573-9040 Stoneville Library
(336) 627-1106 Library Administration
Stoneville, NC 27048
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Public Library provides print and non-print materials for circulation and in-house use to all ages. Expert assistance with informational needs and with advice in selecting reading materials is available. They provide public access computers with at least one in Spanish in every branch. Outreach services include a bookmobile, deliveries to day care centers, services for elderly, and annual children’s programs. This branch has: Meeting space is available in the adjacent Vera Holland Community Center Computers with internet access and Microsoft Office Weekly story times for children Children’s area and teen corner Color copier and fax service Wireless internet access
Web Site: www.rcpl.org
Hours: Monday and Wednesday, Noon – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Thursday, 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays and Sundays
Program Fees: No fees charged for library cards; $0.15 per page for copies;
Intake/Application Process: Complete application card; children 18 and younger must have parents signature. Bring proof of current address to any branch.
Eligibility: Work in, own property in or be a Rockingham County resident.
Languages: English, Spanish language computers
Genealogical Collections
Library Services
Rockingham County Register of Deeds
Rockingham County Justice Center Complex 170 NC 65
Suite 150
(336) 342-6209 Fax
(336) 342-8820 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: rcipriani@www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Records all real estate transactions, marriage licenses, birth and death certificates, and maintains other vital records.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary for different services.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents.
Birth Certificates
County Recorder Offices
Death Certificates
Marriage Licenses
Rockingham County Rescue Squads
106 Mabel Street
(336) 623-8092 Eden Fax
(336) 342-1693 Reidsville (Non-emergency)
(336) 427-8543 Madison/Rockingham (Non-emergency)
(336) 623-2841 Eden Rescue Squad (Non-emergency)
Eden, NC 27288
Email: info@edenrescue.com
Web Site: http://www.edenrescue.com/
Description/Notes: For emergencies, call any of the squads below by dialing 911 The Squads provide accident rescue, medical first-aid for all injuries, transport of sick and injured to medical facilities, search for lost or missing persons, and water searches (body recovery). They work to provide safety for all residents of Rockingham County. Eden: 623-2841 Reidsville: 342-6468 Madison/Rockingham: 427-8543
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents
911 Services
Ambulance Services
Paramedic/EMT Services
Rockingham County Schools
511 Harrington Highway
(336) 627-2600 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Web Site: www.rock.k12.nc.us
Description/Notes: County schools phone numbers: SCHOOLS: Bethany Grades PK-5 951-2710 Central Grades K-5 623-8378 Dillard Grades PK-5 548-2472 Douglass Grades PK-5 623-6521 Draper Grades PK-5 635-6541 Holmes Middle Grades 6-8 623-9791 Huntsville Elementary Grades K-5 427-3266 Lawsonville Ave Grades PK-5 349-5524 Leaksville Spray Elem Grades PK-5 627-7068 Lincoln Elementary Grades PK-5 348-2929 McMichael High Grades 9-12 427-5165 Monroeton Grades PK-5 634-3280 Morehead High Grades 9-12 627-7731 Moss Street Grades PK-5 349-5370 New Vision Magnet School Grades K-5 548-4780 Reidsville High Grades 9-12 349-6361 Reidsville Middle Grades 6-8 342-4726 Rockingham Co. High Grades 9-12 634-3220 Rockingham Co. Middle Grades 6-8 616-0073 Rockingham Early College High Grades 9-13 342-4261 x2605 SCORE Center Grades 4-12 634-3209 South End Grades PK-5 349-6085 Stoneville Grades K-5 573-4000 Wentworth Grades PK-5 634-3250 Western Rockingham Middle Grades 6-8 548-2168 Williamsburg Grades PK-5 349-4632 OTHER SERVICES: Athletics, Child Nutrition, Homebound Instruction, Alternative Learning Program, Exceptional Child Program, Migrant Education, Summer School, Workforce Development, Parent Resource Center
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Eden Location – Parent Resource Center, Rockingham County Schools
Douglass Education Center
1130 Center Church Road
(336) 623-8098 Eden Parent Resource Center
Eden, NC 27288
Email: cmassengale@rock.k12.nc.us
Description/Notes: Provides essential information and resources to parents and caregivers about the developmental stages of children, including expectations of children at various levels throughout public school, and information regarding how they can best support their children as they grow and change. The center features books, games and materials for parents to check out to use at home with their pre-school and school-age children.
Web Site: www.rock.k12.nc.us
Hours: Monday 11:00 a.m. -6:30 p.m. Tuesday 12:00 p.m. -6:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged. Donations of $5-$10 requested.
Intake/Application Process: Application form. Accepts walk-ins.
Eligibility: Residents Of Rockingham County who are parents of Pre-K age through high school age children.
Information Lines
Library Services
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Homework Assistance Line, Rockingham County Schools
Same as Agency address
(336) 623-3689 Homework Assistance Line (HAL)
Description/Notes: Provides quality assistance with homework for students and parents. Licensed teachers provide help by phone with specific problems or assignments that students and/or parents may have difficulty completing.
Web Site: www.rock.k12.nc.us
Hours: September – May, Monday – Thursday, 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., except during exams.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Eligibility: All Rockingham County School students and their parents/guardians.
Study Skills Assistance
Migrant Education Program, Rockingham County Schools
401 Moss Street
(336) 349-5476 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: psanchez@rock.k12.nc.us
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Migrant Education Program seeks to help migrant students and youth meet high academic challenges by overcoming the obstacles created by frequent moves, educational disruption, cultural and language differences, and health-related problems.
Web Site: http://www.rock.k12.nc.us/Page/3652
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit the office.
Eligibility: Any child between 3-21 who has moved from one school district to another during the past 3 years with a parent or guardian.
English as a Second Language
Migrant Education Programs
Tutoring Services
Parent Resource Center, Rockingham County Schools
401 Moss Street
Booker T. Washington Learning Ctr
(336) 342-8588 Booker T. Washington Learning Ctr
Eden, NC 27288
Email: cmassengale@rock.k12.nc.us
Description/Notes: Provides essential information and resources to parents and caregivers about the developmental stages of children, including expectations of children at various levels throughout public school, and information regarding how they can best support their children as they grow and change. The center features books, games and materials for parents to check out to use at home with their pre-school and school-age children.
Web Site: www.rock.k12.nc.us
Hours: Monday 11:00 a.m. -6:30 p.m. Tuesday 12:00 p.m. -6:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
Program Fees: Free to County families and RCS employees. Non-public school families and/or Homeschools: $20 per year; Childcare providers: $20 per year; college students; $10.00 per year. All donations welcomed.
Intake/Application Process: To apply, sign up at either location.
Eligibility: All adults in Rockingham County who are interested in helping children learn, (parents, guardians, grandparents, childcare providers, and college students). Membership at one center entitles access to resources at both locations.
Information Lines
Library Services
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Rockingham County Sheriff
Law Enforcement Center
170 NC 65
(336) 634-3236 Jail
(336) 634-3232 Main
(336) 634-3235 Records
(336) 634-3064 Administrative Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: spage@co.rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: www.rockinghamsheriff.com
Description/Notes: The Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement services to the citizens of Rockingham County 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, the Sheriff’s Office handles the service of both civil and criminal process, maintains two full-service jail facilities, and maintains the order of the court in Rockingham County.
Hours: Office Hours: Monday – Friday,. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees are required for civil process, gun permits, and violations of animal and excessive noise ordinances. Other fees are collected as required by law.
Eligibility: Citizens of, visitors to, and those employed in Rockingham County are eligible for the Sheriff’s services.
Rockingham County Student Health Centers
117 E Kings Highway
(336) 634-3201 Rockingham County High School Student Health Center
(336) 623-3699 Morehead High School Student Health Center
(336) 623-2434 Main
(336) 349-6443 Reidsville High School Student Health Center
(336) 427-4335 McMichael High School Student Health Center
Eden, NC 27288
Email: cdemason@rock.k12.nc.us
Web Site: http://rcshc.weebly.com/index.html
Description/Notes: Rockingham County Student Health Centers provide comprehensive health care to enrolled students through education, prevention, treatment and referral.
On site services are provided at each of the county’s high schools.
Program Fees: Insurance Companies billed and sliding fee scale utilized when appropriate.
Intake/Application Process: Parent/Guardian needs to complete a health history form and sign permission slip.
Eligibility: All high school students in Rockingham County who have signed parental consent.
Services, Rockingham County Student Health Centers
Same as Agency address
(336) 623-2434 Main
(336) 634-3201 Rockingham County High School Student Health Center
(336) 427-4335 McMichael High School Student Health Center
(336) 623-3699 Morehead High School Student Health Center
(336) 349-6443 Reidsville High School Student Health Center
Email: cdemason@rock.k12.nc.us
Description/Notes: Rockingham County Student Health Centers’ services include: Diagnosis and treatment of minor injuries and illnesses, sports physicals, immunizations, mental health assessments, counseling and referral, monitoring of chronic diseases, educational programs including nutrition, abstinence, smoking cessation, stress management, sexual reproduction. Pregnancy testing and referral, abuse intervention and referral, dental screening services.
Web Site: http://rcshc.weebly.com/index.html
Program Fees: Insurance Companies billed and sliding fee scale utilized when appropriate.
Intake/Application Process: Parent/Guardian needs to complete a health history form and sign permission slip.
Eligibility: All high school students in Rockingham County who have signed parental consent.
Dental Care Referrals
Health Care Referrals
Health Screening/Diagnostic Services
Outpatient Health Facilities
Pregnancy Testing
Prenatal Care
Student Counseling Services
Rockingham County Tax Department
371 NC Highway 65
Suite 107
(336) 342-8303 Fax
(336) 342-8305 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375-0068
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: Bills and collects property taxes. Also processes abstracts and makes assessments of regular and business personal property and public service property.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Rockingham County residents
Local Income Tax Information
Local Tax Collection Agencies
Rockingham County Youth Services
335 County Home Road
P.O. Box 301
(336) 342-5756 Main
(336) 349-1115 Fax
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: tpierce@co.rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: www.co.rockingham.nc.us/youthserv
Description/Notes: Provides counseling (individual/family) and other community alternatives for school-aged youth and their families for the purpose of reducing problematic behaviors at home. Also offers Teen Court, substance abuse prevention/education, parenting classes, and more.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Referrals are taken by telephone, by fax, or in writing.
Eligibility: School aged youth and their families.
Languages: Spanish
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Mentoring Programs
Youth Courts
Rockingham Habitat For Humanity
249 The Boulevard
(336) 627-0160 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Email: rockinghamhfh@gmail.com
Description/Notes: A Christian ministry that brings together people of all faiths to work together as partners, building decent, affordable housing with God’s people in need. This Habitat also operates a ReStore at the same location and hours.
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. First/Third Saturday, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged, must commit to a certain number of ‘sweat equity’ hours.
Intake/Application Process: Call the office for an application.
Eligibility: Must meet family selection criteria.
Building Materials/Supplies Donation Programs
Donation Pickups
Furniture/Home Furnishings Donation Programs
Subsidized Home Purchase
Rockingham Pregnancy Care Center
424 Kings Highway
(336) 623-8203 Fax
(336) 623-5540 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: Seeks to befriend, comfort, educate, and support individuals and their families facing and unplanned pregnancy in a confidential and supportive Christian environment.
Hours: By appointment, Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Contact the center. All services are free and confidential.
Eligibility: Pregnant women, children from birth-12 months.
Baby Clothing
Maternity Clothing
Maternity Homes
Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment
Pregnancy Testing
Speakers/Speakers Bureaus
Salvation Army – Eden
314 Morgan Road
(336) 627-4177 Main
(336) 623-1675 Fax
Eden, NC 27289
Email: loren.wallace@uss.salvationarmy.org
Description/Notes: To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name with out discrimination. Provide assistance for rent, utilities, and deposits (when funds are available), food pantry, clothing vouchers, youth activities, men’s and women’s programs, worship services, Bible study, counseling.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Share-A-Meal lunch is served Monday – Friday, 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Please call 336-624-4177 for an appointment.
Eligibility: Financial assistance is determined on a case-by-case basis. Please call 336-624-4177 for an appointment. Share-A-Meal is available to anyone in need of a hot lunch.
Christmas Assistance, Salvation Army – Eden
314 Morgan Street
(336) 623-1675 Fax
(336) 627-4177 Main Number
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: Provides financial assistance to families in need during the Christmas holiday. Assistance includes food boxes for families, toys and clothing for children 12 years or younger, and Senior Tree program that provides small gifts to senior citizens in need. Applications for Christmas 2012 assistance will start October 22, 2012 and end October 26, 2012. Hours for Christmas assistance applications are 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Hours: M-Th, 8am-4pm; F, 8am-1pm. Hours for Christmas assistance applications are 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Application process
Eligibility: Applicants must meet eligibility requirements.
Christmas Baskets
Christmas Clearing Bureaus
Christmas Programs
Holiday Gifts/Toys
Holiday Programs
Emergency Financial Assistance, Salvation Army – Eden
314 Morgan Road
(336) 627-4177 Main
(336) 623-1675 Fax
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: Financial assistance with rent, food, clothing, utility bills, lodging for transients & bus tickets to leave the county.
Hours: Monday -Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Call for appointment.
Eligibility: Resident of Eden, disconnection notice for utilities, eviction notice for rent, or life threatening illness.
Languages: English
Counseling Settings
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Thrift Shops
Salvation Army of Reidsville
704 Barnes Street
(336) 349-9985 Fax
(336) 349-4923 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: leona.obryant@uss.salvationarmy.org
Web Site: http://www.salvationarmycarolinas.org/commands/reidsville
Description/Notes: Services include Counseling, food pantry, clothing vouchers, rent and utilities assistance (bills and deposits), and prescription expense assistance (when funds are available).
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Closed from 12:00 – 1:00 for lunch)
Program Fees: No fees
Intake/Application Process: Stop by for food. Call for an appointment if you need assistance with clothes or bills.
Eligibility: Determined on a case-by-case basis.
Family Store, Salvation Army of Reidsville
2003 Freeway Drive
(336) 349-1814 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: leona.obryant@uss.salvationarmy.org
Description/Notes: Thrift store operated by the Salvation Army of Reidsville. Proceeds support the ministries of the Salvation Army.
Web Site: http://www.salvationarmycarolinas.org/commands/reidsville
Hours: Monday – Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary by the item purchased.
Thrift Shops
Social Security Administration – Reidsville
2402 Freeway Drive
(866) 893-1558 Main
(336) 342-7120 TTY
Reidsville, NC 27320
Web Site: www.ssa.gov
Description/Notes: Retirement, Survivor and disability applications and appeals; Information and assistance with all Social Security related matters; applications for new and replacement Social Security cards.
Hours: Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.; Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call or visit the office. Please bring a record of birth, and for SSI applicants, bank statements and deeds to property.
Social Security Burial Benefits
Social Security Disability Insurance
Social Security Retirement Benefits
Social Security Survivors Insurance
Soil and Water Conservation District
Rockingham AG Center
525 Hwy. 65
(336) 361-0062 Fax
(336) 342-0460 ext. 3 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: kmoore@co.rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: www.co.rockingham.nc.us./soil/index.htm
Description/Notes: Rockingham County Soil and Water Conservation District is a governmental subdivision of the State of North Carolina. Their responsibility is to conserve the soil, water, and related natural resources. Examples of technical assistance include soil survey interpretations and conservation plans. Planning aid is given in agricultural land use, grassland management, wildlife, recreation, woodland, and other uses of land. Experts in agronomy, biology, forestry, soils, and engineering are available through this agency. A major mission of this office is to reduce erosion of soil and improve water quality.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Most services are free. Modes fees may be charged for some programs.
Intake/Application Process: Contact office.
Eligibility: Any interested persons.
Environment and Public Health/Safety
Soil Conservation
Water Safety Education
Wildlife Conservation
Souls’ Harbor Church of Mayodan Food Pantry
201 S. Ayersville Road
(336) 949-4304 Main
Mayodan, NC 27027
Description/Notes: This church provides a food pantry every Sunday from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., and on the third Saturday of each month, from 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Hours: Sundays, 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Third Saturday, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: ID, proof of income
Eligibility: Must meet TEFAP standards.
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
Stoneville Volunteer Fire Department
101 Smith Rd.
(336) 573-9092 Main
Stoneville, NC 27048
Web Site: http://www.rockinghamcc.edu/re/fire.htm
Description/Notes: Provides 24-hour fire/emergency assistance through community volunteers.
Hours: 24-hours/7-days
Eligibility: Stoneville area residents.
Emergency Rescue
Fire Prevention Information
Stoneville, Town of
Town Hall
101 Smith Street
(336) 573-9393 Main
Stoneville, NC 27048
Web Site: http://www.town.stoneville.nc.us/
Description/Notes: Provides Fire, Police, Public Works, Parks and Recreation services, and more.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary for water, sewer, trash, etc.
Eligibility: Stoneville area residents.
Mayors Offices
The Lord’s Pantry
602 N. Bridge Street
(336) 623-1504 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Description/Notes: The Lord’s Pantry operates a food pantry and clothing closet.
Hours: Open Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Food is distributed Monday, 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Application must be filled out.
Eligibility: Anyone in need of food.
Food Pantry, The Lord’s Pantry
Same as Agency address
(336) 623-1504 Main
Description/Notes: The Food Pantry is open Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Donations are received and applications can be picked up during this time. Food is DISTRIBUTED on Monday, from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. In the event of an emergency, food is also distributed at other times the pantry is open.
Hours: Open Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Food is distributed Monday, 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Application must be filled out: income, number in household, ID is needed.
Eligibility: Anyone in need of food.
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
UMAR at the Rock
342 Cherokee Road
(336) 342-4761 Main
Reidsville, NC 27320
Web Site: www.umarinfo.com
Description/Notes: UMAR’s mission is to promote community inclusion, independence and growth for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through employment and cultural enrichment opportunities. It serves the MH/DD population through vocational training and employment opportunities.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Program Fees: If participants are not able to provide their own transportation, then they will have a $5/day transportation fee. There are usually no other fees.
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Prevocational Training
Supported Employment
Veterans Service Office – Rockingham County
371 NC 65
Governmental Center
(336) 342-8449 Main
(336) 634-3216 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: wlane@co.rockingham.nc.us
Web Site: http://www.co.rockingham.nc.us
Description/Notes: To assist veterans, their dependents and survivors with various benefits such as pension, compensation, health care, education and training, etc.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: No fees charged.
Intake/Application Process: Call for an appointment.
Eligibility: Depends upon individual circumstances.
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Vida Nueva United Methodist Church Food Pantry
308 S. Glenn Street
(336) 558-3691 Main
Stoneville, NC 27048
Email: samucast3@caol.com
Description/Notes: This church sponsors a food pantry every Tuesday and Wednesday. Clients may receive food every two weeks.
Hours: Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Program Fees: None
Intake/Application Process: Application
Eligibility: Anyone in need of food (but clients may receive food only twice each month).
Food Pantries
Food Sorting/Packing Volunteer Opportunities
Vocational Rehabilitation – Reidsville
116 NC 65
(336) 634-5611 Main
(800) 638-5643 Toll-Free
(336) 634-5660 Fax
Reidsville, NC 27320
Email: rebecca.parks@dhhs.nc.gov
Web Site: http://www.ncdhhs.gov/dvrs
Description/Notes: North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation provides counseling, training, education, transportation, job placement, and other supportive services depending on an individual’s needs. Helps with physical, psychiatric/intellectual disabilities with finding and keeping a job.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
Program Fees: Some services based on financial need
Intake/Application Process: Call for an appointment.
Eligibility: NC residents over the age of 14, with physical, educational, sensory or emotional disorders, which prevent them from working.
Languages: All (will arrange an interpreter if needed.)
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Supported Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Wentworth, Town of
Wentworth Town Hall
124 Peach Tree Road
(336) 342-0322 Fax
(336) 342-6288 Main
Wentworth, NC 27375
Email: bward@townofwentworth.com
Web Site: www.townofwentworth.com
Description/Notes: Wentworth Town Council is comprised of five Council members and a Mayor.
City/Town Clerk Offices
Western Rockingham Chamber of Commerce
112 W Murphy Street
(336) 548-4466 Fax
(336) 548-6248 Main
Madison, NC 27025
Email: executivedirector@mywrcc.com
Web Site: www.westernrockinghamchamber.com
Description/Notes: Provides economic development and tourist information for western Rockingham County, including the Towns of Madison, Mayodan, and Stoneville.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Membership organization/dues are based on the size of the business.
Chambers of Commerce
Western Rockingham County Family YMCA
600 S. 5th Avenue
(336) 427-9622 Main
Email: rmabe@edenymca.org
Web Site: http://edenymca.org/
Description/Notes: Provides athletic events, before/after school care, health/nutrition education, and more.
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 6:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m. Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Sunday, 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Fees vary by program.
Intake/Application Process: Call to register.
Eligibility: Any interested persons.
Child Care Providers
Day Camps
Recreational Activities/Sports Volunteer Opportunities
Residential Camps
YMCA – Eden
301 Kennedy Street
(336) 627-9622 Fax
(336) 623-8496 Main
Eden, NC 27288
Email: rmabe@edenymca.org
Web Site: www.edenymca.org
Description/Notes: Athletic program, before/after school care, summer day camp, community outreach, water related activities/programs, fitness awareness and education.
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 5:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. Friday, 5:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Sunday, 1:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Program Fees: Vary based on program.
Intake/Application Process: Apply in person.
Eligibility: Any interested persons.
Recreational Activities/Sports
YMCA – Western Rockingham Family
600 S 5th Avenue
(336) 427-2339 Fax
(336) 427-9622 Main Number
Mayodan, NC 27027
Email: wrockymca@mailcity.com
Description/Notes: Membership organization offering youth and adult fitness by classes and workout equipment, youth and adult tennis on indoor courts, and youth programs (tennis lessons, gymnastics, karate).
Hours: M-Th, 6am-9pm; F 6am-8pm; Sa, 9am-5pm; Su 1:30pm-5pm
Program Fees: Vary based on program.
Intake/Application Process: Visit Eden or Western Rockingham office.
Eligibility: Any interested persons.
Recreational Activities/Sports